Chapter 5:02:06 - Ballot forms and color
- Section 5:02:06:01 - General election
- Section 5:02:06:01.01 - Constitutional amendments
- Section 5:02:06:01.02 - Optical scan ballot instructions
- Section 5:02:06:01.03 - Optical scan ballot political party notation
- Section 5:02:06:01.04 - General election ballot for ballot marking device
- Section 5:02:06:02 to 5:02:06:02.03 - Repealed
- Section 5:02:06:03 - Judiciary
- Section 5:02:06:03.01 - Supreme Court justice retention ballot. Repealed
- Section 5:02:06:03.02 - Deadline for request to be on retention ballot
- Section 5:02:06:04 - Special district. Repealed
- Section 5:02:06:04.01 - Initiated measures and referred laws
- Section 5:02:06:05 to 5:02:06:06.01 - Repealed
- Section 5:02:06:07 and 5:02:06:07.01 - Transferred
- Section 5:02:06:08 - Sample ballots
- Section 5:02:06:09 - Party precinct committeeman and committeewoman
- Section 5:02:06:10 - Primary ballot
- Section 5:02:06:10.01 - Repealed
- Section 5:02:06:10.02 - Repealed
- Section 5:02:06:10.03 - Primary election ballot for ballot marking device
- Section 5:02:06:11 - Repealed
- Section 5:02:06:12 - Municipal election
- Section 5:02:06:13 - Municipal questions election
- Section 5:02:06:14 - Municipal bond election
- Section 5:02:06:15 - School board election
- Section 5:02:06:16 - Ballot for increasing or decreasing number of school board members
- Section 5:02:06:17 - Ballot for statewide runoff election
- Section 5:02:06:18 - Colors of ballots for combined elections
- Section 5:02:06:19 - Nonpolitical consumers power district election
- Section 5:02:06:20 - County, municipal, or school district tax levy opt-out ballot
- Section 5:02:06:21 - Special district formation ballot
- Section 5:02:06:22 - School district reorganization ballot
- Section 5:02:06:23 - Sanitary district election ballot
- Section 5:02:06:24 - Alternate optical scan ballot
- Section 5:02:06:25 - County questions election
- Section 5:02:06:26 - School district capital outlay certificates ballot
- Section 5:02:06:27 - School sentinel program ballot
- Section 5:02:06:28 - County annual tax levy for maintaining, repairing, constructing, and reconstructing roads and bridges ballot