Chapter 5:02:04 - Forms of notices
- Section 5:02:04:01 to 5:02:04:03 - Repealed
- Section 5:02:04:04 - Notice of deadline for voter registration
- Section 5:02:04:05 - Notice of general election
- Section 5:02:04:06 - Notice of vacancy for municipal election
- Section 5:02:04:07 - Notice of filing of nominating petitions.Repealed
- Section 5:02:04:08 - Notice of municipal election
- Section 5:02:04:09 - Notice of special election
- Section 5:02:04:10 - Notice of vacancy which may occur due to filing of recall petitions
- Section 5:02:04:11 - Notice of special recall election and of filing of nominating petitions for special recall election
- Section 5:02:04:12 - Notice of special recall election.Repealed
- Section 5:02:04:13 - Notice of runoff election
- Section 5:02:04:14 - Notice of vacancy on school board
- Section 5:02:04:15 - Notice of school board election
- Section 5:02:04:16 - Notice of primary election
- Section 5:02:04:17 - Notice of deadline for filing primary nominating petitions
- Section 5:02:04:18 - Notice of statewide runoff election
- Section 5:02:04:19 - Publication of ballot for runoff election
- Section 5:02:04:20 - Notice of presidential primary election (Repealed)
- Section 5:02:04:21 - [Repealed]
- Section 5:02:04:22 - Notice of election for special district formation
- Section 5:02:04:23 - Notice of vacancy for newly incorporated municipal election
- Section 5:02:04:24 - Notice of vacancy for conservation district supervisor nominating petitions