S.D. Admin. R. 44:70:10:30
Each drain line from a sink in which acid wastes may be poured shall be fabricated from an acid resistant material. Any piping over food preparation centers, food service facilities, food storage areas, and other critical areas shall be kept to a minimum and may not be exposed. Special precautions shall be taken to protect these areas from possible leakage of necessary overhead piping systems. The building sewer system shall discharge into a community sewerage system. If such a system is not available, a facility providing sewage treatment that conforms to applicable local and state regulations is required.
Water from a roof system shall be collected and discharged away from the building foundation.
Rain gutters with downspouts and splash blocks shall be provided for a pitched roof system. Provisions shall be made to avoid having water accumulated on sidewalks and parking areas around the building.
S.D. Admin. R. 44:70:10:30
General Authority: SDCL 34-12-13(1), (4), and (14).
Law Implemented: SDCL 34-12-13(1), (4), and (14).
Individual and small on-site wastewater systems, ch 74:53:01.