Chapter 44:03:01 - Radiation control
- Section 44:03:01:01 - Definitions
- Section 44:03:01:02 - Licensing of radiation-producing devices and materials
- Section 44:03:01:03 - Transferred
- Section 44:03:01:04 - Application for license
- Section 44:03:01:05 - Renewal of registration.Repealed
- Section 44:03:01:06 - Annual license renewal
- Section 44:03:01:06.01 - Exemption from radiation licensing
- Section 44:03:01:06.02 and 44:03:01:07 - 44:03:01:06.02 Annual license fee. Repealed
- Section 44:03:01:07.01 - Licensing of radiation producing devices for temporary use
- Section 44:03:01:08 - Prohibited uses of radiation
- Section 44:03:01:08.01 - Equipment standards.Repealed
- Section 44:03:01:08.02 - Equipment standards for medical diagnostic X ray machines
- Section 44:03:01:08.03 - Equipment standards for medical fluoroscopic X ray machines
- Section 44:03:01:08.04 - [Repealed]
- Section 44:03:01:08.05 - [Repealed]
- Section 44:03:01:08.06 - Equipment standards for dental X ray equipment
- Section 44:03:01:08.07 - Equipment standards for mobile X ray equipment
- Section 44:03:01:08.08 - Equipment standards for computed tomography systems
- Section 44:03:01:08.09 - Hand-held intra-oral radiographic imaging device reporting
- Section 44:03:01:09 - Evaluation and correction of hazards
- Section 44:03:01:10 - General safety provisions to protect persons from radiation exposures
- Section 44:03:01:10.01 - Requirements for personal protective devices
- Section 44:03:01:10.02 - Operator protection requirements
- Section 44:03:01:10.03 - Reports of incidents involving radiation sources
- Section 44:03:01:10.04 - Requirements of X ray film processing and darkroom
- Section 44:03:01:10.05 - Quality assurance program requirements
- Section 44:03:01:11 - Installation of radiation facilities or equipment.Repealed
- Section 44:03:01:11.01 - Shielding plan review prior to installation of radiation facilities or equipment
- Section 44:03:01:11.02 - Installation requirements of all radiation equipment
- Section 44:03:01:11.03 - Notification of installation of radiation equipment
- Section 44:03:01:11.04 - Licensee requirements after installation of radiation equipment
- Section 44:03:01:11.05 - Installation, maintenance, and operation of radiation equipment
- Section 44:03:01:12 - X ray machine calibration exposure surveys, posted date, waivers.Repealed
- Section 44:03:01:12.01 - Radiation producing equipment calibration
- Section 44:03:01:12.02 - Surveys of radiation producing facilities and radiation equipment
- Section 44:03:01:13 - Transferred
- Section 44:03:01:14 - X ray equipment to be operated by trained individuals.Repealed
- Section 44:03:01:14.01 - Operator requirements for radiation producing equipment
- Section 44:03:01:14.02 - Operator training requirements for radiation producing equipment - Diagnostic computed tomography excluded
- Section 44:03:01:14.03 - Operator continuing education requirements
- Section 44:03:01:14.04 - Operator requirements for computed tomography equipment
- Section 44:03:01:15 - Disposal of radioactive materials
- Section 44:03:01:16 - Loss or theft of radioactive material
- Section 44:03:01:17 - Amendment, suspension, or revocation of license