Chapter 41:04:06 - Nonmeandered waters
- Section 41:04:06:01 - Petition to restrict recreational use a nonmeandered lake
- Section 41:04:06:02 - Commission action on petition to restrict recreational use of nonmeandered lake
- Section 41:04:06:03 - [Repealed]
- Section 41:04:06:04 - [Repealed]
- Section 41:04:06:05 - Marking of closed nonmeandered bodies of water
- Section 41:04:06:05.01 - Placement of department supplied signs
- Section 41:04:06:05.02 - Placement of buoys
- Section 41:04:06:05.03 - Specifications for sign placement and buoy standards for marking closed nonmeandered waters
- Section 41:04:06:06 - Transportation lane petition
- Section 41:04:06:07 - Transportation lanes established