Chapter 24:50:01 - Grant assistance
- Section 24:50:01:01 - Definitions
- Section 24:50:01:02 - Advisory panels
- Section 24:50:01:03 - Conflict of interest
- Section 24:50:01:04 - Eligibility requirements for individuals applying for fellowship grants
- Section 24:50:01:05 - Eligibility requirements for individuals applying for project assistance
- Section 24:50:01:06 - Eligibility requirements for organizations applying for assistance
- Section 24:50:01:07 - Eligibility requirements for arts organizations applying for general operating assistance
- Section 24:50:01:08 - Application restrictions
- Section 24:50:01:09 - Sources of matching funds
- Section 24:50:01:10 - Assistance application process
- Section 24:50:01:11 - Council actions regarding applications
- Section 24:50:01:12 - Standards for review of requests for grants - Funding decisions
- Section 24:50:01:13 - Duties of grantees
- Section 24:50:01:14 - Termination of grants
- Section 24:50:01:15 - Pilot categories
- Section 24:50:01:16 - Prohibited uses of grant funds
- Section 24:50:01:17 - Appeal of decisions