Chapter 24:05:30 - Procedural safeguards
- Section 24:05:30:01 - General responsibility of school district
- Section 24:05:30:02 - Opportunity to examine records
- Section 24:05:30:02.01 - Parent participation in meetings
- Section 24:05:30:02.02 - Meetings defined
- Section 24:05:30:03 - Independent educational evaluation
- Section 24:05:30:04 - Prior notice
- Section 24:05:30:05 - Content of notice
- Section 24:05:30:06 - Form of notice
- Section 24:05:30:06.01 - Procedural safeguards notice - Availability
- Section 24:05:30:06.02 - Procedural safeguards notice - Contents
- Section 24:05:30:06.03 - Electronic mail
- Section 24:05:30:07 - Impartial due process hearing. Repealed
- Section 24:05:30:07.01 - Filing a due process complaint
- Section 24:05:30:07.02 - Timeline for filing a due process complaint
- Section 24:05:30:08 - Free or low-cost services to parent
- Section 24:05:30:08.01 - Due process complaint notice
- Section 24:05:30:08.02 - Content of due process complaint notice
- Section 24:05:30:08.03 - Sufficiency of due process complaint
- Section 24:05:30:08.04 - Decision of sufficiency of due process complaint
- Section 24:05:30:08.05 - Amendment to due process complaint
- Section 24:05:30:08.06 - District response to due process complaint
- Section 24:05:30:08.07 - Other party response to due process complaint
- Section 24:05:30:08.08 - Model forms
- Section 24:05:30:08.09 - Resolution meeting - Participants
- Section 24:05:30:08.10 - Resolution meeting - Purpose
- Section 24:05:30:08.11 - Resolution meeting - Waive or mediate
- Section 24:05:30:08.12 - Thirty-day resolution period - General
- Section 24:05:30:08.13 - Dismissal of due process complaint or initiation of hearing
- Section 24:05:30:08.14 - Adjustments to 30-day resolution period
- Section 24:05:30:08.15 - Written settlement agreement
- Section 24:05:30:09 - Mediation
- Section 24:05:30:09.01 - Mediator - Qualified and impartial
- Section 24:05:30:09.02 - Meeting to encourage mediation
- Section 24:05:30:09.03 - Mediation agreement
- Section 24:05:30:09.04 - Impartial due process hearing-Convenience of hearing
- Section 24:05:30:09.05 - Subject matter of due process hearings
- Section 24:05:30:09.06 - Timeline for requesting a due process hearing
- Section 24:05:30:10 - Impartial hearing officer
- Section 24:05:30:10.01 - Decision of hearing officer
- Section 24:05:30:11 - Appeal of hearing decision - Civil action
- Section 24:05:30:11.01 - Reasonable attorneys' fees
- Section 24:05:30:12 - Hearing rights
- Section 24:05:30:12.01 - Additional disclosure of information
- Section 24:05:30:13 - Time limit for final decision of hearings
- Section 24:05:30:14 - Child's status during proceedings
- Section 24:05:30:15 - Surrogate parents
- Section 24:05:30:16 - Continuation as surrogate parent. Repealed
- Section 24:05:30:16.01 - Transfer of parental rights
- Section 24:05:30:17 - Consent. Repealed