S.D. Admin. R. 24:05:26:09.08
If a hearing is requested under this chapter, the parents or the school district involved in the dispute must have an opportunity for an impartial due process hearing consistent with the requirements of this article, except as provided in this section.
The department shall arrange the expedited due process hearing, which must occur within 20 school days of the date of the complaint requesting the hearing is filed. The hearing officer shall make a determination within ten school days after the hearing.
Unless the parents and school district agree in writing to waive the resolution meeting described in this section, or agree to use the mediation process described in chapter 24:05:30:
The decisions on expedited due process hearings are appealable consistent with chapter 24:05:30.
S.D. Admin. R. 24:05:26:09.08
General Authority: SDCL 13-37-1.1.
Law Implemented: SDCL 13-37-1.1.