Chapter 20:43:09 - Anesthesia and analgesia
- Section 20:43:09:01 - Definitions
- Section 20:43:09:02 - Prohibitions
- Section 20:43:09:03 - General anesthesia and deep sedation permit requirements
- Section 20:43:09:04 - Moderate sedation permit requirements
- Section 20:43:09:04.01 - Employing or contracting with licensed anesthesia provider that provides general anesthesia, deep sedation, or moderate sedation in dental office
- Section 20:43:09:04.02 - Utilizing licensed anesthesia provider for general anesthesia and deep sedation or moderate sedation in ambulatory surgery center or hospital
- Section 20:43:09:04.03 - Moderate sedation course requirements
- Section 20:43:09:04.04 - Host permit requirements
- Section 20:43:09:04.05 - Host course requirements
- Section 20:43:09:04.06 - Anesthesia or sedation education - Other
- Section 20:43:09:05 - Nitrous oxide sedation and analgesia permit requirements - Dentists
- Section 20:43:09:06 - Nitrous oxide sedation and analgesia permit requirements and authorization - Dental hygienists and registered dental assistants
- Section 20:43:09:06.01 - Local anesthesia permit requirements and authorization - Dental hygienists
- Section 20:43:09:06.02 - Minimal sedation
- Section 20:43:09:07 - Noncompliance
- Section 20:43:09:08 - Application for permits - Renewal
- Section 20:43:09:09 - Reports of adverse conditions
- Section 20:43:09:10 - Permit requirements to monitor patients under general anesthesia and deep sedation, or moderate sedation
- Section 20:43:09:10.01 - Delegation of injection of medication
- Section 20:43:09:10.02 - Injecting medication
- Section 20:43:09:11 - Inspection
- Section 20:43:09:12 - Requirements of inspection
- Section 20:43:09:13 - Equipment - Moderate sedation
- Section 20:43:09:13.01 - Equipment - General anesthesia and deep sedation
- Section 20:43:09:14 - Clinical guidelines
- Section 20:43:09:15 - Intravenous line
- Section 20:43:09:16 - Anesthesia credentials committee
- Section 20:43:09:17 - Emergency response protocol