S.D. Admin. R. 20:18:35.01:02
All equipment and systems integral to the conduct of sports wagering and advance deposit sports wagering must meet the specifications set forth in this chapter or other technical specifications as prescribed by the commission through internal control procedures. Failure to comply with the approved specifications, internal controls, or technical specifications may result in disciplinary action by the commission.
Licensees and sports wagering services providers must comply with, and the commission adopts and incorporates by reference, the Gaming Laboratories International, LLC Standard GLI-33: Standards for Event Wagering Systems, v1.1, and its Appendices. The GLI-33 standards are intended to supplement rather than supplant other technical standards and requirements under these rules.
S.D. Admin. R. 20:18:35.01:02
General Authority: SDCL 42-7B-7, 42-7B-11(13).
Law Implemented: SDCL 42-7B-2.1(1), 42-7B-43.
GLI-33 Standards for Event Wagering Systems, v1.1, May 14, 2019, Gaming Laboratories International, LLC. Copies may be obtained without charge from Gaming Laboratories International, LLC, at 600 Airport Road, Lakewood, New Jersey, 08701. (732) 942-3999, and online at Gaminglabs.com/gli-standards.