Chapter 20:18:32 - Keno
- Section 20:18:32:01 - Authorized premises
- Section 20:18:32:02 - Persons allowed to conduct keno
- Section 20:18:32:03 - Authorized keno games
- Section 20:18:32:04 - Access to keno equipment restricted
- Section 20:18:32:05 - Selection of keno numbers
- Section 20:18:32:06 - Recording of player's numbers and wagers
- Section 20:18:32:07 - Wagers refunded if equipment malfunctions
- Section 20:18:32:08 - No tickets to be issued or voided after number selection process has begun
- Section 20:18:32:09 - Potential prize or payout to be made known to players
- Section 20:18:32:10 - Time for redeeming winning tickets
- Section 20:18:32:11 - Information required on tickets
- Section 20:18:32:12 - Winners not to be paid before conclusion of game
- Section 20:18:32:13 - Procedures to preclude payment of non winning tickets
- Section 20:18:32:14 - Procedures for payment of winning tickets
- Section 20:18:32:15 - Restricted access areas
- Section 20:18:32:16 - Minimum payout structure
- Section 20:18:32:17 - Equipment maintenance procedures
- Section 20:18:32:18 - Keno number selection equipment