S.D. Admin. R. 20:18:16:13
In five-card stud poker, the player must receive one card face downward and one card face upward to form the initial hand. The player must receive three more cards dealt face upward one at a time. There must be a total of four betting rounds, one after each new card has been dealt face upward. After the initial deal, the player with the high card opens. If two or more players have an opening card of the same value, the opener must be determined by the rank of the suits of the cards as follows: spades, hearts, diamonds, and clubs. On all subsequent rounds, the player with the best hand showing opens. Five-card stud poker is only played at high poker.
S.D. Admin. R. 20:18:16:13
General Authority: SDCL 42-7B-7.
Law Implemented: SDCL 42-7B-1, 42-7B-2, 42-7B-3, 42-7B-4, 42-7B-7, 42-7B-14, 42-7B-15.