S.D. Admin. R. 20:18:16:01
Current through Register Vol. 51, page 71, January 6, 2025
Section 20:18:16:01 - DefinitionsTerms used in this chapter mean:
(1) "Ante," a player's initial bet or predetermined contribution to the pot before the first card of the game is dealt;(2) "Bad bet pots" and "pool pots," progressive amounts of money which are contributed by poker patrons and distributed back to poker patrons by the licensee based on the occurrence of a predetermined event, such as a losing hand containing a predetermined combination of cards;(3) "Bet," a player's wager to the pot on any betting round;(4) "Betting round," a complete cycle in a hand of poker after all players have called or folded;(5) "Blind bet," a bet made before the first card of the game is dealt;(6) "Button," an object which is moved clockwise around the table to denote an imaginary dealer;(7) "Buy-in," a purchase of chips by a player prior to play;(8) "Call," a bet made equal to the immediately preceding bet;(9) "Check," to waive the right to initiate the betting in a round, but to retain the right to call;(10) "Check and raise," a raise after a player first checked in a round;(11) "Chips," tokens or 25-cent coins, 50-cent coins, or silver dollars;(12) "Community cards," in the game of Texas hold'em, cards dealt face upward which can be used by all players to make their best hand;(13) "Deal," the distribution of playing cards among the players;(14) "Deuce," the term for the number two card of any suit;(15) "Draw," in draw poker, the taking of additional cards by a player prior to the second round of betting;(16) "Flop," in the games of Texas hold'em and Omaha, the first three community cards dealt face up at one time;(17) "Fold," to discard a hand during a betting round by refusing to match a bet;(18) "Hand," one game in a series, one deal, the cards held by a player, or the best five cards of a player's holding;(19) "Hole-card," a card held by a player which is unseen by the other players;(20) "Live stakes," chips, tokens, coins, and currency on the table in front of a player;(21) "Misdeal," to deal a hand of poker wrongly, including dealing to at least two players more cards than those players are entitled to and dealing to at least two players more cards than those players are entitled to after the dealing of the hand is completed;(22) "Open," "openers," "to open," a bet or a check by the required player;(23) "Opener," the player who makes the first bet in any betting round;(24) "Pat hand," a hand which does not need another card drawn to it;(25) "Pot," a location on the poker table; the total amount anted and bet by players during a game which is awarded to the winning player or players;(26) "Raise," a bet in an amount greater than the immediately preceding bet in that betting round;(27) "Rake-off" or "rake," the amount taken from the pot by the retail licensee;(28) "Round," a cycle of bets made by the players following the deal of the cards;(29) "Showdown," the revealing of each player's hand by the player after the last bet to determine the winners of the pot;(30) "Stake," the funds with which a player enters the game; and(31) "Wild card," a card that a player may declare to have any value in the deck.S.D. Admin. R. 20:18:16:01
16 SDR 57, effective 10/1/1989; 17 SDR 93, effective 1/6/1991; 18 SDR 9, effective 7/23/1991; 19 SDR 177, effective 5/27/1993.General Authority: SDCL 42-7B-7.
Law Implemented: SDCL 42-7B-1, 42-7B-2, 42-7B-2.1, 42-7B-3, 42-7B-4, 42-7B-7, 42-7B-14, 42-7B-15.