Chapter 20:16:18 - Retirement plan 5A
- Section 20:16:18:01 - Definitions
- Section 20:16:18:02 - Term of coverage
- Section 20:16:18:03 - Participation in benefits
- Section 20:16:18:04 - Contributions by the commission. Repealed
- Section 20:16:18:05 - Forfeiture
- Section 20:16:18:06 - Qualifications for normal pension
- Section 20:16:18:07 - Amount of the normal pension
- Section 20:16:18:08 - Qualifications for early retirement pension
- Section 20:16:18:09 - Amount of early retirement pension
- Section 20:16:18:10 - Disability pension
- Section 20:16:18:11 - Amount of the disability pension
- Section 20:16:18:12 - Disability pension payments
- Section 20:16:18:13 - Deduction of other public benefits from disability pension
- Section 20:16:18:14 - Reduction of disability pension of earnings in employment
- Section 20:16:18:15 - Reemployment of a disabled pensioner
- Section 20:16:18:16 - Conversion of disability pension to normal retirement pension at retirement age
- Section 20:16:18:17 - Family benefits payable on death of employee before retirement
- Section 20:16:18:18 - Deduction of Social Security benefits from family benefits
- Section 20:16:18:19 - Election of additional survivor protection option - Beginning and end of additional contribution
- Section 20:16:18:20 - Amount of additional survivor protection benefits - Termination
- Section 20:16:18:21 - Normal form of pension benefits
- Section 20:16:18:22 - Joint and survivor benefit
- Section 20:16:18:23 - Election of joint and survivor benefit
- Section 20:16:18:24 - Effective date of joint and survivor benefit
- Section 20:16:18:25 - Revocation of joint and survivor benefit
- Section 20:16:18:26 - Limitation of joint and survivor benefit option
- Section 20:16:18:27 - Credited service
- Section 20:16:18:28 - Interruption of continuous employment
- Section 20:16:18:29 - Vesting of service credits
- Section 20:16:18:30 - Advance written applications required
- Section 20:16:18:31 - Information required
- Section 20:16:18:32 - Payments for incompetents
- Section 20:16:18:33 - Nonalienation of benefits
- Section 20:16:18:34 - Terms of employment not affected
- Section 20:16:18:35 - Reference to other documents
- Section 20:16:18:36 - Rounding of benefit amounts
- Section 20:16:18:37 - Improvement factor
- Section 20:16:18:38 - Minimum distribution requirements
- Section 20:16:18:39 - Limitation on benefits
- Section 20:16:18:40 - Privatization of the plant
- Section 20:16:18:41 - Amendment and termination of the plan
- Appendix A - 1971 Group Annuity Mortality Tables