S.D. Admin. R. 20:07:19:03.01
An initial set-up fee of one hundred dollars for a company license, twenty dollars for each company branch location, and thirty dollars for each mortgage loan originator shall be paid to the nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry at the time of transition for existing licensees or at the time of application for a new licensee.
An annual processing fee shall be paid to renew each company, company branch, and mortgage loan originator license in the same amounts as described above.
A mortgage loan originator transfer fee of thirty dollars shall be paid each time a company requests to have a mortgage loan originator associated with its license through the nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry. This fee applies to the transfer of employment of a mortgage loan originator who is licensed through the system but employed by a different company.
The fees in this section are in addition to those established in §§ 20:07:19:02 and 20:07:19:03.
S.D. Admin. R. 20:07:19:03.01
General Authority: SDCL 54-14-31.
Law Implemented: SDCL 54-14-31.