S.D. Admin. R. 20:06:55:50

Current through Register Vol. 51, page 71, January 6, 2025
Section 20:06:55:50 - Changing qualified health plans

A health insurance issuer must allow a qualified individual or enrollee in an Exchange to enroll in or change from one qualified health plan to another as a result of the following triggering events:

(1) The qualified individual or his or her dependent either:
(i) Loses minimum essential coverage except for in the case of nonpayment of premium. The date of the loss of coverage is the last day the consumer would have coverage under their previous plan or coverage;
(ii) Is enrolled in any non-calendar year health insurance policy, even if the qualified individual or their dependent has the option to renew such coverage. The date of the loss of coverage is the last day of the plan or policy year;
(iii) Loses pregnancy-related coverage described under section 1902(a)(10)(A)(i)(IV) and (a)(10)(A)(ii)(IX) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396a(a)(10)(A)(i)(IV), (a)(10)(A)(ii)(IX) (July 1, 2018). The date of the loss of coverage is the last day the consumer would have pregnancy-related coverage; or
(iv) Loses medically needy coverage as described under section 1902(a)(10)(C) of the Social Security Act only once per calendar year. The date of the loss of coverage is the last day the consumer would have medically needy coverage;
(2) The qualified individual:
(i) Gains a dependent or becomes a dependent through marriage, birth, adoption, placement for adoption, or placement in foster care, or through a child support order or other court order;
(a) In the case of marriage, at least one spouse must demonstrate having minimum essential coverage for 1 or more days during the 60 days preceding the date of marriage.
(ii) Loses a dependent or is no longer considered a dependent through divorce or legal separation as defined by State law in the State in which the divorce or legal separation occurs, or if the enrollee, or his or her dependent, dies.
(3) An individual, who was not previously a citizen, national, or lawfully present individual gains such status;
(4) A qualified individual's enrollment or non-enrollment in a qualified health plan is unintentional, inadvertent, or erroneous and is the result of the error, misrepresentation, or inaction of an officer, employee, or agent of the health insurance issuer. In such cases, the health insurance issuer may take such action as may be necessary to correct or eliminate the effects of such error, misrepresentation, or inaction;
(5) An enrollee adequately demonstrates to the director that the qualified health plan in which the individual is enrolled substantially violated a material provision of its contract in relation to the individual;
(6) A qualified individual or enrollee gains access to new qualified health plans as a result of a permanent move and had minimum essential coverage as described in 26 CFR 1.5000A-1(b) for one or more days during the 60 days preceding the date of the permanent move;
(7) A qualified individual or enrollee meets other exceptional circumstances as the director may provide;
(8) An Indian, as defined by section 4 of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act, Pub. L. No. 94-437 (1976), as amended, may enroll in a qualified health plan or change from one qualified health plan to another one time per month and is not subject to any qualifying event; and
(9) Newly eligible or ineligible for advance payments of the premium tax credit, or change in eligibility for cost-sharing reductions:
(i) The enrollee is determined newly eligible or newly ineligible for advance payments of the premium tax credit or has a change in eligibility for cost-sharing reductions;
(ii) The enrollee's dependent enrolled in the same QHP is determined newly eligible or newly ineligible for advance payments of the premium tax credit or has a change in eligibility for cost-sharing reductions; or
(iii) A qualified individual or his or her dependent who is enrolled in an eligible employer-sponsored plan is determined newly eligible for advance payments of the premium tax credit based in part on a finding that such individual is ineligible for qualifying coverage in an eligible-employer sponsored plan in accordance with 26 CFR 1.36B-2(c)(3) (April 15, 2016), including as a result of their employer discontinuing or changing available coverage within the next 60 days, provided that such individual is allowed to terminate existing coverage;
(iv) A qualified individual in a non-Medicaid expansion State who was previously ineligible for advance payments of the premium tax credit solely because of a household income below 100 percent of the FPL, who was ineligible for Medicaid during that same timeframe, and who has experienced a change in household income that makes the qualified individual newly eligible for advance payments of the premium tax credit.
(10) Is a victim of domestic abuse or spousal abandonment, as defined by 26 CFR 1.36B-2 T, as amended, including a dependent or unmarried victim within a household, is enrolled in minimum essential coverage and seeks to enroll in coverage separate from the perpetrator of the abuse or abandonment; or Is a dependent of a victim of domestic abuse or spousal abandonment, on the same application as the victim, may enroll in coverage at the same time as the victim;
(11) Applies for coverage on the Exchange during the annual open enrollment period or due to a qualifying event, is assessed by the Exchange as potentially eligible for Medicaid or the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and is determined ineligible for Medicaid or CHIP by the State Medicaid or CHIP agency either after open enrollment has ended or more than 60 days after the qualifying event or Applies for coverage at the State Medicaid or CHIP agency during the annual open enrollment period, and is determined ineligible for Medicaid or CHIP after open enrollment has ended;
(12) The qualified individual or enrollee, or his or her dependent, adequately demonstrates to the Exchange that a material error related to plan benefits, service area, or premium influenced the qualified individual's or enrollee's decision to purchase a QHP through the Exchange; or
(13) At the option of the Exchange, the qualified individual provides satisfactory documentary evidence to verify his or her eligibility for an insurance affordability program or enrollment in a QHP through the Exchange following termination of Exchange enrollment due to a failure to verify such status within the time period specified in § 155.315 or is under 100 percent of the Federal poverty level and did not enroll in coverage while waiting for HHS to verify his or her citizenship, status as a national, or lawful presence.

A qualified individual or enrollee has 60 days from the date of a triggering event to select a qualified health plan. A qualified individual or the individual's dependent who is described in subsection 1 of this section has 60 days before and after the loss of coverage to select a qualified health plan. A qualified individual or the individual's dependent who is described in subsection 9 of this section has 60 days before and after the loss of eligibility for qualifying coverage in an eligible employer-sponsored plan to select a qualified health plan.

S.D. Admin. R. 20:06:55:50

39 SDR 203, adopted June 10, 2013, effective 1/1/2014; 41 SDR 93, effective 12/3/2014; 45 SDR 045, effective 10/10/2018

General Authority: SDCL 58-17-87, 58-18-79.

Law Implemented: SDCL 58-17-87, 58-18-79, 58-18-80.