Chapter 20:06:37 - Actuarial opinions and memorandums
- Section 20:06:37:01 - Definitions
- Section 20:06:37:02 - Scope
- Section 20:06:37:03 - Actuarial statements and supporting memorandums required yearly. Repealed
- Section 20:06:37:04 - Submission of statement of actuarial opinions
- Section 20:06:37:05 - Qualified actuary
- Section 20:06:37:06 - Appointed actuary
- Section 20:06:37:07 - Standards for asset adequacy analysis
- Section 20:06:37:08 - Liabilities to be covered
- Section 20:06:37:09 - Required opinions. Repealed
- Section 20:06:37:10 - Company categories. Repealed
- Section 20:06:37:11 - Criteria for Category A company exemption. Repealed
- Section 20:06:37:12 - Criteria for Category B company exemption. Repealed
- Section 20:06:37:13 - Category A or Category B companies - Required filing of actuarial opinion. Repealed
- Section 20:06:37:14 - Criteria for Category C company exemption - Required filing of actuarial opinion. Repealed
- Section 20:06:37:15 - Required filing of actuarial opinion. Repealed
- Section 20:06:37:16 - Category D company - Required filing of actuarial opinion. Repealed
- Section 20:06:37:17 - Contents of statement of actuarial opinion not including an asset adequacy analysis. Repealed
- Section 20:06:37:18 - Recommended language. Repealed
- Section 20:06:37:19 - Opening paragraph. Repealed
- Section 20:06:37:20 - Regulatory paragraph. Repealed
- Section 20:06:37:21 - Scope paragraph - General requirements. Repealed
- Section 20:06:37:22 - Scope paragraph - Review of underlying records completed. Repealed
- Section 20:06:37:23 - Scope paragraph - Review of underlying records not completed. Repealed
- Section 20:06:37:24 - Opinion paragraph. Repealed
- Section 20:06:37:25 - Concluding paragraph. Repealed
- Section 20:06:37:26 - Notation of change in actuarial assumptions. Repealed
- Section 20:06:37:27 - Notation if actuary is unable to form an opinion. Repealed
- Section 20:06:37:28 - Opinion as to the accuracy and completeness of the listings and summaries of policies in force. Repealed
- Section 20:06:37:29 - Contents of statement of actuarial opinion based on asset adequacy analysis
- Section 20:06:27:30 - Recommended language
- Section 20:06:37:31 - Opening paragraph
- Section 20:06:37:32 - Scope paragraph
- Section 20:06:37:33 - Notation of actuary's reliance upon experts
- Section 20:06:37:34 - Reliance paragraph - Examination of underlying assets and liability records completed
- Section 20:06:37:35 - Reliance paragraph - Examination of underlying records not completed
- Section 20:06:37:36 - Opinion paragraph
- Section 20:06:37:37 - Assumptions for new issues
- Section 20:06:37:38 - Adverse opinions
- Section 20:06:37:39 - Reliance on information furnished by other persons
- Section 20:06:37:40 - Description of actuarial memorandum including an asset adequacy analysis and a regulatory asset adequacy issues summary
- Section 20:06:37:41 - Details of the memorandum section documenting asset adequacy analysis
- Section 20:06:37:41.01 - Details of the regulatory asset adequacy issues summary
- Section 20:06:37:42 - Conformity to standards of practice
- Section 20:06:37:43 - Additional consideration for analysis - Aggregation. Repealed
- Section 20:06:37:44 - Selection of assets for analysis. Repealed
- Section 20:06:37:45 - Use of assets supporting the interest maintenance reserve and the asset valuation reserve
- Section 20:06:37:46 - Required interest scenarios. Repealed
- Section 20:06:37:47 - Documentation
- Appendix A - Asset Adequacy Tested Amounts - Reserves and Liabilities