S.D. Admin. R. 2:05:02:03
The commission may waive any part of the training required by SDCL 34-45-24 upon application requesting a waiver, and a showing that the applicant meets the minimum standards for certification set forth in § 2:05:01:01, and has, within two years prior to appointment, completed a training program of equivalent content and quality in another jurisdiction, or been continuously employed as a certified 911 telecommunicator in another jurisdiction since the date of the equivalent training. The executive secretary of the law enforcement officers standards and training commission shall administer a written test to the applicant to determine the applicant's competence. Upon successful completion of the test, the commission shall issue the applicant a certificate as a certified 911 telecommunicator or shall notify the applicant of additional training to be completed before the applicant can be certified. Upon successful completion of the additional training, the commission shall issue the applicant a certificate as a certified 911 telecommunicator.
Upon application, the Commission may grant reciprocity eligibility to any person who has. more than two years prior to appointment, completed a training program of equivalent content and quality in another jurisdiction. In determining whether to grant reciprocity eligibility, the Commission shall consider in totality the person's 911 telecommunicator experience, training, and related substantiative experience. Prior to considering reciprocity eligibility, the executive secretary shall conduct a review of the person's 911 telecommunicator experience, trainning and related substantiative experience and provide a recommendation to the Commission.
S.D. Admin. R. 2:05:02:03
General Authority: SDCL 34-45-26, 34-45-29.
Law Implemented: SDCL 34-45-24, 34-45-29.