Chapter 12:62:03 - Weeds and pests
- Section 12:62:03:01 - Characteristics of noxious weed
- Section 12:62:03:01.01 - Characteristics of declared pest
- Section 12:62:03:01.02 to 12:62:03:01.04 - Repealed
- Section 12:62:03:01.05 - Declared pests
- Section 12:62:03:01.06 - Statewide noxious weeds
- Section 12:62:03:01.07 - List of weeds and pests for use in declaring locally noxious weeds or declared pests
- Section 12:62:03:02 - Weeds declared noxious in state.Repealed
- Section 12:62:03:03 to 12:62:03:05 - Transferred
- Section 12:62:03:06 - Additions to and deletions from noxious weed and declared pest lists
- Section 12:62:03:07 - Emergency designation of noxious weed or declared pest