S.D. Admin. R. 12:53:02:04
The secretary shall allow a person whose application for registration of commercial feed is refused or whose registration of commercial feed is cancelled to amend the application or registration to bring it into compliance with SDCL 39-14 or article 12:53 at any stage and regardless of the initiation of the contested case hearing procedure. Copies of the amendments shall be served on all parties. If, in the opinion of the secretary, an amendment brings the application or registration into compliance, the contested case hearing shall be dismissed without prejudice to any party. If, in the opinion of the secretary, an amendment does not bring the application or registration into compliance, the sufficiency of the amendment shall be an issue at the contested case hearing.
S.D. Admin. R. 12:53:02:04
General Authority: SDCL 39-14-60.
Law Implemented: SDCL 39-14-42.