Chapter 12:41:07 - Entrance permits
- Section 12:41:07:01 to 12:41:07:02 - Repealed
- Section 12:41:07:02.01 and 12:41:07:03 - Transferred
- Section 12:41:07:04 to 12:41:07:06 - Repealed
- Section 12:41:07:07 - Entrance permits for bees in colonies infested with varroa mite
- Section 12:41:07:08 - Entrance permits for bees in colonies infested with varroa mite. Repealed
- Section 12:41:07:09 - Entrance permits for bees in colonies infested with American foulbrood
- Section 12:41:07:10 - Entrance permits for queen bees and bees in combless packages
- Section 12:41:07:11 - Entrance permits for bees on comb from states infested with small hive beetle
- Section 12:41:07:12 - Entrance permits for bees included in a compliance agreement