S.C. Code Regs. § § 63-342

Current through Register Vol. 48, No. 9, September 27, 2024
Section 63-342 - Definition of Terms
A. "Abandoned Sign," means a sign which is not being maintained as required by the regulations, or which is overgrown by trees or other vegetation not on the highway right-of-way, or which has had obsolete advertising messages or no advertising messages for a period of six months, or for which a permit has not been obtained or is not current, or for which the fee has not been paid more than thirty (30) days after demand by the Department. An obsolete advertising message does not include public service signing.
B. "Act," means Highway Advertising Control Act or its successors.
C. "Back-to-Back Sign," means any sign constructed on a single set of supports with two sign facings in opposite directions each of which may have up to two sign faces visible.
D. "Control Area," means that area within 660 feet of the nearest edge of the right-of-way of Interstate or Federal-aid primary highways and visible from the main-traveled way of the Interstate or Federal-aid primary highways. The distance is measured from the outer edge of the right-of way on a line which is perpendicular to the edge of the pavement at the points in question.
E. "Cutouts and Extensions," means any addition to a sign in excess of the permitted sign face area which aids in the display of a particular message. These cutouts and extensions should be apparent from the sign face and cannot increase the permitted sign face area by more than 150 square feet.
F. "Department," means South Carolina Department of Transportation.
G. "Destroyed Sign," means a sign no longer in existence due to factors other than vandalism or other criminal tortuous act. A sign damaged by greater than 50 percent of its replacement costs as determined from nationally recognized catalogues of vendors of construction and outdoor advertising materials based on single item purchases, not bulk purchase orders. Salvage parts cannot be used to determine replacement value unless approved by the Department.
H. "Double faced Sign," means any sign with only one set of supports, one sign facing and no more than two sign faces visible.
I. "Erect," means to construct, build, raise, assemble, place, affix, attach, create, paint, draw, or in any other way bring into being or establish. It does not mean changing or repainting an existing sign face.
J. "Highway," means all roads, streets and other ways open, or intended to be opened and for which the alignment has been approved by the Department, to the use of the public for travel by motor vehicles.
K. "Illegal Sign," means any sign which was erected or maintained in violation of any of the provisions of the Act or these regulations, including an abandoned sign.
L. "Interchange," means an intersection or junction of highways, either open or intended to be opened and for which the location has been approved by the Department, whether at grade or involving one or more grade separations, together with that additional area used or needed for connecting roadways from one highway to another.
M. "Lease," means any writing by which possession or use of land or interest therein is given by the owner to another person for a specified period of time.
N. "Legible," means capable of being read or understood without visual aid by a person of normal visual acuity while traveling in an ordinary passenger car on the main-traveled way at the speed limit.
O. "Main-Traveled Way," means the traveled way of a highway on which through traffic is carried.
P. "Nonconforming Sign," means one which was lawfully erected but which does not comply with the provisions of the Act or these regulations passed at a later date or which fails to comply with the Act or these regulations because of changed conditions at the site, such as the inclusion of a new highway in those roads governed by the Act, construction of a new interchange, etc.
Q. "On-Premise Sign," means any sign which is designed, intended or used to advertise or inform of the principal activity taking place, or the product being sold on the property where the sign is located.
R. "Removed," when used in reference to a sign or sign structure, means the dismantling and complete removal from the view of the motoring public of all parts and materials of a sign or sign structure to include but not limited to, faces and beams, poles, braces, stringers, guys, and struts, which are used or intended to be used to support or display a sign.
S. "Residence," means a building or mobile home used as a permanent dwelling place whose occupancy is primarily unrelated to any commercial activity conducted on or adjacent to the premises.
T. "Rest Area," means an area or site established and maintained within or adjacent to the right-of-way for the convenience of the traveling public.
U. "Sham activity," means any activity which
(1) is a commercial or industrial activity but which was created primarily or exclusively to qualify an area as an unzoned commercial or industrial area, or
(2) does not conduct any meaningful business at the activity site, or
(3) is an activity that fails to meet the standards set forth under the definition of transient or temporary at the time of investigation.
V. "Sign" or "outdoor advertising sign," means any sign structure or combination of sign structure and message in the form of outdoor sign, display, device, figure, painting, drawing, message, plaque, poster, billboard, advertising structure, advertisement, logo, symbol or other form which is designed, intended or used to advertise or inform, any part of the message or informative contents of which is visible from the main-traveled way. The term does not include official traffic control signs, official markers, nor specific information panels erected, caused to be erected, or approved by the Department.
W. "Sign Direction," means the direction from which the message or informative contents are most visible to oncoming traffic on the main-traveled way.
X. "Sign Face," means the part of the sign including stringers which contains the message or informative contents and includes borders or decorative trim. It does not include lighting fixtures, aprons and catwalks unless part of the message or informative contents of the sign is displayed thereon.
Y. "Sign Facing," means all sign faces erected on the same sign structure facing the same (or approximately the same) sign direction.
Z. "Sign Structure," means all the interrelated parts and material, such as beams, poles and braces, which are used or designed to be used or are intended to be used to support or display a sign.
AA. "Single Faced Sign," means any sign with only one sign face.
BB. "State System," means that portion of the highways located within this state as designated, or as may hereafter be so designated, by the Department.
CC. "Transient or temporary activities," shall mean activities that fail to maintain:
(1) one year of continuous business operation at the proposed sign location prior to receipt of the application by the Department for those activities that have been established for more than one year at that location, or continuous business operation from the date the activity was established to the date the application is received by the Department for those activities that have been established for less than one year, and
(2) continuous business operation of the activity for one year after receipt of the application, unless determined by the Department to qualify. Continuous business operation, as used in this Chapter, shall be determined by the Department based on adequate documentation to prove meaningful business; and
(3) capable of showing significant commercial activity on the premises; and
(4) at least one employee attendant at the activity site, performing meaningful work and available to the public for at least thirty-six hours per week on at least four days per week for at least forty-eight weeks per year; and
(5) electricity, published telephone number, telephone answered at the activity, excluding cell phones and call forwarding, running water, indoor restroom, permanent flooring other than dirt, gravel, sand, etc; adequate heating; and
(6) the activity, or a major portion of it, conducted from a permanent building constructed principally of brick, concrete block, stone, concrete, metal, or wood or some combination of these materials or from a mobile home or trailer which the applicant can prove is considered part of the real estate and taxed accordingly.
DD. "Traveled Way," means the portion of a roadway over which vehicles move. It does not include such facilities as frontage roads, turning roadways, parking areas, ramps or shoulders. In the case of a divided highway, the traveled way of each of the separated roadways for traffic in opposite directions is a main-traveled way.
EE. "Triangular Sign," means a combination of single faced or double faced signs which are placed facing three sign directions of travel in a triangular formation with the closest edges of two sign facings located not more that 5 feet apart.
FF. "Unzoned commercial or industrial areas," means:
(1) those areas in a political subdivision which are not zoned on which there is located one or more permanent structures devoted to a commercial or industrial activity, a portion of which activity is located within the control area, and that area within 600 feet from the furthermost edge of the area within the control area regularly used for such activity and a corresponding zone directly across a primary highway which is not a freeway primary Federal-aid highway and which has not been declared to be a scenic highway; (See Illustration 1)
(2) they do not include recreational facilities such as campgrounds, golf courses (not including driving ranges or par-three courses), tennis courts, baseball or football fields or stadiums, or racetracks, except for any portions of those facilities occupied by offices, clubhouses, etc. which meet the minimum standards to keep the activity from being considered a transient or temporary activity;
(3) they do not include areas occupied by prohibited or illegal activities;
(4) they do not include areas occupied by sham activities;
(5) they do not include areas occupied by apartment houses, condominiums, nursing homes or other long term care facilities;
(6) they do not include junkyards as defined in S. C. Code Section 57-27-20(c) or parking or storage lots;
(7) they do not include areas occupied by schools or other buildings primarily used for educational purposes, whether public or private non-profit;
(8) they do not include quarries, borrow pits, or nurserylands, except for any portions of those facilities which are occupied by a permanent office located at the site which meets the minimum standards to keep the activity from being considered a transient or temporary activity;
(9) they do not include cemeteries or churches, synagogues, mosques, or other places primarily used for worship.
GG. "V-type Sign," means a combination of single faced or double faced signs which are placed facing two sign directions of travel in a V formation with the angle formed by the intersection of each being no more than 90 degrees and with their closest edges located not more than 5 feet apart.
HH. "Visible," means capable of being seen (whether or not legible) and readily recognized as a sign or commercial or industrial activity by a person of normal visual acuity. The presence of a sign, whether attached to the building or free-standing shall not be considered in determining whether or not a commercial or industrial activity is visible.
II. "Zoned," means subject to a complete system of land use, including the regulation of size, lighting, and spacing of signs, for tracts which comprise at least 20 percent of the land within a political subdivision established and actively enforced by duly constituted zoning authorities. The mere labeling of land as zoned commercial or industrial does not mean the area is zoned for purposes of the Act. Rather there must be the establishment and enforcement of a complete set of regulations to govern land use within the portion of the political subdivision which is zoned. Unrestricted land shall be treated as unzoned. Land subject to court ordered zoning or development restrictions shall not be considered zoned.
JJ. "Zoned industrial or commercial areas," means those areas inside the control area within a political subdivision which are zoned for commercial or industrial use. They shall not include any areas in which limited commercial or industrial activities are permitted as an incident to other primary land uses, nor shall they include areas which the Department determines were so designated for the principal purpose of creating locations for outdoor advertising signs adjacent to or near Interstate or federal-aid primary highways. They shall not include areas which are unrestricted. No small parcels or narrow strips of land designated for a use classification different from and less restrictive than that of the surrounding area and which is made without consideration of the neighborhood land use character shall be considered a zoned industrial or commercial area. Narrow strips shall mean any configuration of land which cannot be put to ordinary commercial or industrial use.
KK. "Off-premise changeable message signs," means an outdoor advertising sign, display, or device which changes the message or copy of the sign by methods which include but are not limited to electronic movement, or rotation of panels or slats. Changeable message signs are considered outdoor advertising signs, and as such must comply with all requirements applicable to outdoor advertising signs. Changeable message signs shall not include animated, continuous or scrolling messages.

S.C. Code Regs. § 63-342

Amended by State Register Volume 13, Issue No. 6, eff June 23, 1989; State Register Volume 16, Issue No. 7, eff July 24, 1992; State Register Volume 18, Issue No. 6, eff June 24, 1994; State Register Volume 31, Issue No. 3, eff March 23, 2007.