A student in a Child Safety Restraint System, excluding standard seatbelts, must be transported on a bus with an aide. If an aide is not available for a bus transporting a student in a Child Safety Restraint System, the bus shall not run unless it would put the school district in violation of Federal and State statutes or regulations.
A student in a wheelchair shall be transported on a bus staffed with an aide or other qualified employee who shall operate the wheelchair lift.
Unless a Student's Individualized Education Program or 504 Plan specifies a 1:1 aide, an aide for a student with an Individualized Education Program or 504 Plan may count as an aide for the bus.
Assignment of buses for new routes will be made on the basis of actual need. Justification must be submitted showing that all buses presently assigned to the district or area are being used to the maximum before additional equipment can be assigned.
To enhance school bus routing effectiveness, kindergarten students shall be assigned to morning or afternoon sessions on the basis of where they live.
Written approval or disapproval of all routes will be provided by the Department no later than November 15th. A period of two weeks will be given to the district for corrections to be made after a notice of disapproval. After this two week period, if corrections have not been made, any routes not approved by the Department will be operated at the expense of the district.
The exceptions for use of buses and the related economic justifications shall be part of the route and schedule plan submitted by the local school district to the Department.
In exceptions A. and C. above, the request for approval shall include a plan to insure the proper servicing and maintenance of the bus.
The school district shall provide for safe loading and unloading of students and a suitable concrete or asphalt-paved area for the parking and servicing of buses during the school hours. The parking and service area shall be located and designed to insure that vehicular traffic, students, or unauthorized personnel are not in or around parked buses during the school day and shall be in compliance with all safety and fire regulations.
The Board of Trustees shall designate, to the Department, a school official to see that proper care is taken of the buses; to see that the buses shall not be abused; to see that drivers make required reports promptly; to assist in the investigation and collection of the cost for damages to state-owned/leased equipment; and to aid in any proceedings, either civil or criminal.
An individual driving a school bus, as defined in Section 59-67-10, must have a valid Department school bus driver's certificate in his or her possession when transporting or intending to transport preprimary, primary, or secondary public school students to or from school and school related activities. This includes transporting public school students to and from childcare or related activities.
Based on Section 59-67-40 and 59-67-108 of the South Carolina Code, an individual operating a FFSB equipped with enabled traffic control devices meeting the signage and lamp requirements of Section 56-5-2770 and meeting the color requirements of 59-67-30 for a private school must receive training in the use of these traffic control devices. Section 59-67-108 requires the Department to establish an appropriate level of certification for these individuals. An individual operating a bus, which does not meet the signage and lamp requirements of Section 56-5-2770 or meet the color requirements of 59-67-30 for a private school would not be required to receive training or the Department certification.
The SBE directs the Department to establish a school bus driver certification program that provides for the following three (3) separate and distinct school bus driver's certificate categories.
Certificate A-Authorizes an individual to operate school buses owned or leased by the State, a local school agency, a private contractor, a private school, or a childcare facility for the purpose of transporting school students.
Certificate B-Authorizes an individual to only operate an MFSAB owned or leased by a local school agency, a private contractor, a private school, or a childcare facility for the purpose of transporting school students.
Certificate C-Authorizes an individual to only operate a school bus owned or leased by a private school or a childcare facility when the school bus is an FFSB. Additionally, the individual is authorized to operate an MFSAB owned or leased by a local school agency, a private contractor, a private school, or a childcare facility for the purpose of transporting school students.
Each certificate category is divided into two sub classifications: authorization to operate commercial vehicles and authorization to operate non-commercial vehicles. The non-commercial classification is established to certify individuals to only operate a school bus that is not classified as a Commercial Motor Vehicle by the South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles (SCDMV).
In order to obtain any one of the Department School Bus Driver's Certificates, either an A, B, or C, an individual seeking certification or renewal must successfully complete all requirements established by this regulation and the related tests of the Department and SCDMV. Certificates are only issued by the Department.
The Department School Bus Driver Certification Program includes requirements that are common to all three (3) certificate categories plus requirements that are unique to a driver certificate category.
The common requirements which all drivers must satisfy for issuance and renewal of a Department School Bus Driver's Certificate are as follows.
In addition to common requirements, A. through H., certificate categories have unique requirements which a driver must satisfy before issuance and/or renewal of the Department's School Bus Driver's Certificate.
Should any of the regulations listed in this section governing the use of school buses for special services be violated in any school district, the Department may withdraw approval to use state-owned school buses from any further special service.
Legal age for transporting students with disabilities are three- and four- years old and public school students (K-12) except for the hearing and visually handicapped which is 4-21 years of age. Students with disabilities may be transported on regular route school buses.
The process for requesting transportation is limited to the two following options:
S.C. Code Regs. § 43-80
Statutory Authority: 1976 Code Sections 59-5-60, 59-67-20, 59-67-410 and 59-67-570