880 R.I. Code R. 880-RICR-00-00-4.13

Current through December 26, 2024
Section 880-RICR-00-00-4.13 - Signage and Lighting
4.13.1Signage Design
A. A "sign" means any letter, number, word, address, symbol, drawing, picture, design, device, article, object or any combination thereof that has the primary purpose of identifying or indicating any property, lot, parcel, premises, product, business or entity.
1. The size of a sign is defined by the area of the shape, whether rectangular, circular, or other, that encloses all the individual letters and/or symbols that make up that sign. Any material or color forming part of the background of the display or which is used to differentiate the display from the backdrop shall be included in the total sign area calculations.
2. Only one side is calculated in computing the area of a double faced sign, however, not having a double faced sign shall not allow for the addition of square footage to the maximum square footage that is allowed.
B. All outdoor signs shall conform to applicable federal and state statutes and regulations.
C. Signs shall be restricted to advertising only the person, firm, company or corporation operating the use conducted on the site or the products produced or sold on the site.
D. No sign shall by any reason of location, shape, size, lighting or color, interfere with traffic, or be confused with or obstruct the view or the effectiveness of any official traffic sign, signal or marking.
E. Construction signs shall not be erected prior to the commencement of the site work and shall be removed within ten (10) days after the issuance of any occupancy permit.
F. The following types of signs will be permitted, subject to the approval of the TRC as per Table 9 - Dimensional Regulations for Signs.
1. Horizontal wall signs, otherwise known as belt, face, or building mounted tenant signs, excluding signs painted on the wall itself. Individual graphics applied to the façade of the wall sign.
2. Plaque signs attached to the face of a building in close proximity to the main entrance and bearing the firm's name or trademark.
3. Parapet signs including signs on the top of a canopy or marquee. No sign shall project above the roofline of any structure.
4. Monument, ground mounted building identification.
5. All necessary directional signs on the lot occupied by the building to which such signs pertain.
6. Signs which are part of the building architecture.
7. Internal directional signage (which shall not be located within the setback area).
8. Window signs.
9. Temporary Signs
a. The following are the requirements for temporary signs within the Park, unless otherwise regulated by this part:
(1) Any new business is permitted to display a temporary sign for up to 30 days, provided proper QDC approval has been obtained.
(2) Temporary signs shall be attached to the structure where the business is located.
(3) Temporary signs shall be no more than six (6) square feet in area.
(4) No temporary sign shall be internally or externally illuminated.
(5) No temporary sign shall be allowed within a QDC right-of-way or on any property owned or operated by QDC unless prescribed by this Part.
(6) All temporary signs shall be constructed with suitable materials to withstand the weather for the time period during which they are displayed. Any temporary sign that shows wear or tear shall be removed by owner.
(7) No temporary sign shall be allowed that obstructs visibility, interferes with public access, or is otherwise determined to be a safety hazard by the QDC.
(8) Signs placed or authorized by a government agency, including, but not limited to, traffic signs and signals, legal notices, railroad crossing signs, or signs regulating the traffic of, or giving information to, motorists, transit riders, cyclists, or pedestrians are permitted in any number, configuration, or size in any district. Such signs may be illuminated as required by the agency.
G. No billboards, flashing or animated signs, or pole mounted signs will be allowed.
H. Signs provided within the right of way, such as temporary signs or way-finding signs shall only be installed and maintained by QDC.
1. Table 9 Dimensional Regulations for Signs


Type of Sign

Mixed Use Development (QMUDD)


Wall Sign/Plaque Sign

Signs may be located on any building wall of a structure so long as the maximum sign surface area does not exceed three (3) square feet for each running foot of face, or 10% of building façade length.

Maximum of two (2) tenants per sign and maximum forty five (45) square feet per sign


*No part of a freestanding sign may project into, over, or otherwise encroach on a public right-of-way.

No more than eight (8) feet tall by six (6) feet wide, maximum one sign per building with graphics on both sides. For multiple tenants, each plaque may not exceed eight (8) square feet.

No more than eight (8) feet tall by six (6) feet wide, maximum one sign per building with graphics on both sides. For multiple tenants, each plaque may not exceed eight (8) square feet.


**Canopy signs shall maintain a minimum vertical clearance of seven feet six inches feet. Printing on any canopy sign is limited to 25% of the surface area. An awning/ canopy is to be considered a wall sign. Any section of the awning that incorporates writing or other graphics used to identify a business will be calculated as sign area.

No more than two (2) square feet of sign area for every one foot of lineal building frontage.

No more than two (2) square feet of sign area for every one foot of lineal building frontage.

Window Signs

All window signs, whether temporary or permanent, are limited to no more than 25% of the surface of each window area. Window area is counted as a continuous surface until divided by an architectural or structural element. Mullions are not considered an element that divides window area.

Not Permitted


***Signs placed or authorized by a government agency, including, but not limited to, traffic signs and signals, legal notices, railroad crossing signs, or signs regulating the traffic of, or giving information to, motorists, transit riders, cyclists, or pedestrians, are permitted in any number, configuration, or size in any district. Such signs may be illuminated as required by the agency.

Maximum six (6) square feet

Maximum six (6) square feet

Billboard, Flashing, Neon Sign, Pole Signs, Pylon

Not Permitted

Not Permitted

I. No sign shall exceed a maximum area of more than three (3) square feet for each running foot of the face of the building displaying such signs, and a maximum projection of no more than twelve (12) inches from the face of the building.
4.13.2Maintenance of Signs

All signs whether erected prior to the effective date of this Regulation or not, shall be maintained in a safe and neat condition to the satisfaction of the QDC.

4.13.3Sign Approvals
A. All new signs must be reviewed and approved by the QDC.
1. Submittal requirements - the following must be submitted concurrently to be considered a complete submission for review of signs:
a. Copy of the site plan showing the sign location;
b. Color copy of the proposed sign(s); and
c. Picture of the existing sign, if applicable.
2. Drawing requirements - color renderings of the proposed sign which includes but is not limited to the following detailed information:
a. Type of sign (wall, monument, awning, etc.);
b. Size/dimensions;
c. Lettering;
d. Colors being used;
e. Materials;
f. Lighting (if applicable, type, style and location of lighting, provide details of lighting fixtures); and
g. A site plan showing the proposed location of the sign and any proposed landscaping, if applicable. The site plan must show underground utilities and overhead utilities in the vicinity of any proposed ground mounted sign.
4.13.4Lighting Design Guidelines
A. General Rules for all Outdoor Lighting
1. All exterior lights and sign illumination shall be designed, located, installed and directed in such a manner as to prevent glare, light trespass or light pollution.
2. Lighting for safety shall be provided at intersections, along walkways, at entryways, between buildings and in parking areas and passenger loading or shelter areas.
3. Lighting shall be provided in accordance with the IES Lighting Handbook and RP- 20-14 and RP- 33-14, incorporated above in § 4.3(L)(2) of this Part.
4. All fixtures used must conform to the provisions of all local, state and federal codes for electrical, energy and building requirements.
5. All fixtures which are non-directional and use a lamp or lamps rated at eighteen hundred (1800) lumens and above are required to be of the fully shielded and/or full cutoff type.
6. All fixtures which are non-directional and use a lamp or lamps rated at eighteen hundred (1800) lumens and above are not allowed to emit any light above ninety (90) degrees vertically measured from on a line from the center of the luminous opening and the ground.
7. All fixtures used for area illumination which are directional in type and mounted to poles, buildings and or structures, that use a lamp or lamps rated at nine hundred (900) lumens and above must be aimed at the ground at an angle of no more than twenty-five (25) degrees measured from the vertical line between the center of the fixture lamp or aperture and the ground.
8. Any lighting rated at a total of more than eighteen hundred (1800) lumens and all flood or spot lighting rated at a total of more than nine hundred (900) lumens, shall not emit any direct light above a horizontal plane through the lowest direct light emitting part of the luminaire.
9. Any lighting rated at a total of more than eighteen hundred (1800) lumens and all flood or spot lighting rated at a total of more than nine hundred (900) lumens shall be mounted at a height equal to or less than the value 3 + (D/3) where D is the distance in feet to the nearest property boundary. The maximum height of the luminaire may not exceed fifteen (15) feet.
B. Temporary Outdoor Lighting
1. Any temporary outdoor lighting that conforms to the requirements of these regulations shall be allowed.
2. Nonconforming temporary outdoor lighting may be permitted by the Managing Director by special temporary permit. The applicant shall submit a detailed description of the proposed temporary nonconforming lighting with a request. A failure of the QDC to act on a request shall constitute a denial of the request. In granting any permit the QDC shall consider:
a. the public and/or private benefits which will result from the temporary lighting;
b. any annoyance or safety problems that may result from the use of the temporary lighting; and
c. the duration of the temporary nonconforming lighting.
C. Waterfront Lighting- Every attempt shall be made to discourage light spillover adjacent to Narragansett Bay. Outdoor lighting in and around the Bay, shall not be installed or maintained so as to create a hazard or nuisance to other property owners and shall comply with the following standards. Areas dedicated to shipyards, terminals or security areas shall be exempt from these standards.
1. In areas solely designated for pedestrian traffic, lights on docks shall be no more than three (3) feet above the dock, shall be downward directed and shall be five hundred fifty (550) lumens or less;
2. Lights illuminating paths, stairs, decks, etc. shall not be directed toward the waters and shall be eighteen hundred (1800) lumens or less;
3. All exterior lighting shall be located, mounted and shielded so that direct illumination is not focused toward the water surface more than twenty (20) feet from shore;
4. Maximum height of lighting standards shall not exceed twenty-five (25) feet;
5. The height and shielding of lighting standards shall provide proper lighting without hazard to motorists or aircraft or nuisance to adjoining properties, and the design of lighting standards shall be of a type appropriate to the development and surrounding area. Light sources shall be shielded so as to conform to standards for glare as defined within the Park Performance Standards, outlined in § 4.9.1 of this Part;
6. Notwithstanding these regulations, lighting at the Port of Davisville shall conform to 33 C.F.R § 105.275, incorporated above in § 4.3(C) of this Part.
D. Service Area Lighting- Outdoor sales and service canopy lighting shall be aimed downward and installed such that center of the fixtures luminous opening is flush with or recessed into the canopy ceiling. All lighting from the canopy must be substantially confined to the ground area directly beneath the perimeter of the canopy.
E. Architectural and Landscape Lighting
1. All fixtures must be aimed and or shielded to illuminate only the intended target such that no stray light from the luminaire passes above the horizontal plane.
2. Upward aimed façade and building lighting shall not exceed nine hundred (900) lumens per fixture or lamp and should be fully shielded and fully confined from projecting into the sky by eaves roofs, overhangs or structures and mounted as flush to the illuminated wall as possible.
3. All lighting not required for safety and security shall be controlled by either a timer or photoelectric switch to be turned off after 11:00 P.M. local time or a time set at the request of the QDC.
F. Sign Lighting
1. Signs may be illuminated externally by a downward-directed stationary light of white or off-white color. Lighting used primarily for sign illumination may be mounted at a height not to exceed fifteen (15) feet.
2. Except as otherwise prohibited herein, signs may be illuminated by any fixed steady light source, of such nature and in such manner that the brightness of the sign face does not exceed one hundred (100) lumens per square foot. Illumination shall be so arranged that its source is not directly visible from any way, occupied building or abutting property and no illumination shall be of any color that might be confusing to traffic. This paragraph shall also apply to window signs.
3. Illuminated signs shall not cause glare distracting to drivers, nor shall they be in such a position or such color as will hamper the readability of traffic lights or traffic signs.
G. Light Trespass
1. The maximum illumination at five (5) feet inside an adjacent property line, residential parcel or right of way shall not exceed .1 horizontal foot or .1 vertical foot candles in residential zones and .3 horizontal foot candles or . 3 vertical foot candles in all other districts.
A. This regulation shall be enforced by the QDC, who shall interpret, administer and enforce its provisions. The QDC shall investigate suspected violations and issue notices of violation requiring corrective action and shall have the ability to assign penalties for noncompliance.
B. Lighting that is installed without approval shall be removed at the direction of the QDC and at the owner's expense.

880 R.I. Code R. 880-RICR-00-00-4.13

Amended effective 11/27/2018