800 R.I. Code R. 800-RICR-10-00-3.6

Current through December 26, 2024
Section 800-RICR-10-00-3.6 - Quality Assurance Criteria
A. As discussed previously in § 3.4 of this Part (Monitoring Methods), sampling and measurements will be accomplished using methods and equipment that are specifically designed for each type of pollutant, the expected range of ambient concentrations and the applicable time periods.
B. The real-time measurements comprise the PM0.1 (water-based particle counters) and black carbon (aethalometers).
C. Quality assurance will be achieved in the field by visiting each monitoring station on an average of once a month to check on the operation of the continuous instruments, and the shelters in which they are housed. Site visits will be documented.
D. Other conditions related to Quality Assurance Procedures include the statistical methods for determining the precision and accuracy of the collected data. RIAC intends to work with RIDOH and RIDEM to revise and refine the Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) developed specifically for this monitoring program.

800 R.I. Code R. 800-RICR-10-00-3.6

Amended effective 12/10/2018
Amended effective 11/11/2019