510 R.I. Code R. 510-RICR-00-00-9.4

Current through December 26, 2024
Section 510-RICR-00-00-9.4 - Fees for State Building Permits
9.4.1New Buildings, Additions, Alterations, Structures, etc.
A. State Permit Fee Schedule




From $0.00 to $3,000.00


$50.00 Flat Fee

*From $3,001.00 to $10,000.00

2% or .02*

$60.00 minimum to $100.00 maximum

From $10,001.00 to $20,000.00


$200.00 Flat Fee

*From $20,001.00 to No Limit

1% or .01*

$200.00 minimum to no maximum

1. *In these two (2) ranges of valuations, multiply the valuation (cost of construction) times (x) [the fee factor] to determine the fee.
B. Plan Review Fees
1. The following fees shall be charged for performing plan reviews in order to determine code compliance on behalf of local municipalities. Applications for plan reviews shall be accompanied by a letter of authorization from the local building official and the required plan review fee.

Building Valuation (Based upon latest available ICC Building Valuation Data Document)


$0.00 - $500,000.00

(0.1% or .001) of building valuation but not less than $200.00

Over $500,000.00

$2,000.00 plus (0.15% or .0015) of building valuation over $500,000.00.

C. Hearing Fees
1. State Board of Standards and Appeals Hearing Application Fee (not charged to State agencies): Two hundred dollars ($200.00).
2. Stenographic costs for hearings held on behalf of municipalities without appeal boards shall be paid by each municipality.
3. Stenographic costs for hearings held as an appeal to municipal or State action shall be paid by the appellant.
D. Demolition or Moving
1. No revision of wrecking permits allowed.
2. Each residential building, accessory building or structure of use.
a. Group R3 or R4: Two hundred dollars ($200.00).
b. All other buildings or structures: Five hundred dollars ($500.00).

510 R.I. Code R. 510-RICR-00-00-9.4

Amended effective 3/26/2021