430 R.I. Code R. 430-RICR-00-00-1.3

Current through December 26, 2024
Section 430-RICR-00-00-1.3 - Application for Registration as a Professional Engineer and for Certification as an Engineer-in-Training
A. Applications for Registrations as a Professional Engineer and certification as an Engineer-In-Training shall be made on forms prescribed by the Board.
1. Individuals who fail to submit applications for registration or renewals in accordance with the deadlines established by the Board shall be considered to have not complied with the terms and conditions of their registration or registration application. If the Board shall make such a determination, individuals who were previously registered shall be prohibited from the practice of engineering until such time as the Board has reviewed and accepted their application or renewal of their license.
2. Every applicant for registration, or a renewal thereof, shall be responsible for the accuracy and correctness of the information contained on the application. The Board will not alter any application, nor will the Board accept any verbal changes in any application. Each applicant must review their application carefully and, if changes are to be made, they must be made by the applicant in writing.
1.3.1Application Requirements - Professional Engineer
A. All applicants shall comply with the requirements for registration set forth in R.I. Gen. Laws § 5-8-11 for their education classification, whether applying by comity or for an initial registration. Applicants must possess ALL of the qualifications for registration in one of the following categories to be eligible for PE registration in Rhode Island.





Category 1

ABET-EAC four (4) year Engineering Degree

Minimum of Four (4) years' experience working under the supervision of a registered PE (registered in any US jurisdiction)

Passing score on:

FE Exam


PE Exam

Category 2

ABET-EAC four (4) year Engineering Degree

Minimum of twelve (12) years' experience working under the supervision of a registered PE (registered in any US jurisdiction)

Passing score on:

PE Exam

(Eligible for FE exam waiver under R.I. Gen. Laws § 5-8-11(a)(4)(i).

Category 3

ABET-ETAC four (4) year Engineering Technology Degree

Minimum of eight (8) years' experience working under the supervision of a registered PE (registered in any US jurisdiction)

Passing score on:

FE Exam


PE Exam

Category 4

Non Accredited Four (4) year Engineering Degree or NCEES Education Equivalency Evaluation (Includes non-accredited US Degrees and Foreign Degrees)

Minimum of six (6) years' experience working under the supervision of a registered PE (registered in any US jurisdiction)

Passing score on:

FE Exam


PE Exam

Category 5

Four (4) year Math, Science or nonaccredited Engineering Technology Degree with Advanced Engineering Degree from an ABET-EAC program

Minimum of Six (6) years' experience working under the supervision of a registered PE (registered in any US jurisdiction)

Passing score on:

FE Exam


PE Exam

1. A Master's degree in an engineering curriculum from a school with an ABET/EAC accredited undergraduate program may be considered by the Board as being equivalent to up to 1 year of experience.
B. Exams
1. The FE Exams and the PE Exams are administered by NCEES.
a. All applicants are required to comply with such requirements for taking and passing the FE Exam and PE Exam as shall be established by NCEES.
b. The FE Exam (unless waived in accordance with §1.3.1(C)(1)(a) of this Part) and the PE Exam shall be successfully passed by all applicants.
c. The scope, dates, times and location(s) of the FE Exam and the PE Exam are established by NCEES.
d. All applicants may retake failed NCEES exams as many times as the applicant wishes, as may be permitted by NCEES, and must pay a new fee at each re-examination.
2. Applicants must apply directly to NCEES take the FE Exam and the PE Exam. Board approval is not required to sit for any exam unless the applicant is attempting to take the PE Exam without first having passed the FE Exam.
C. Application Procedures - Professional Engineers - Initial and Comity Registration
1. Upon passing the FE Exam (unless waived in accordance with §1.3.1(C)(1)(a) of this Part) and the PE Exam, the applicant shall submit a complete application to the Board along with a complete NCEES record containing the information required by R.I. Gen. Laws § 5-8-11, and any applicable fees.
a. FE Exam Waiver - Applicants who meet the statutory qualifications for an FE Exam Waiver set forth in R.I. Gen. Laws § 5-8-11(a)(4)(i) may apply to the Board for an FE Exam Waiver prior to applying to NCEES take the PE Exam by:
(1) Completing the Board's online application,
(2) Paying the application fee,
(3) Requesting an FE Waiver, and
(4) Transmitting an NCEES Record to the Board with all sections completed except exams.
2. Applicants shall identify in the application which one of the engineering disciplines listed in §1.3.1(D) of this Part they seek to be assigned.
a. The discipline that will be granted is based upon the applicant's education, experience and exam taken and passed.
b. Applicants who have only passed one subject matter PE exam, will only be granted one discipline.
c. Multiple disciplined registrations will only be granted, if requested, when PE exams in more than one discipline have been passed.
d. Requesting more than one discipline on an application may result in Board review of the application and may result in longer review times.
D. Engineering Disciplines
1. Since March 14, 1995, starting with registration number 6366, the Board has been issuing PE Registrations with assigned engineering disciplines and the discipline must be included on the PE's stamp.
2. Professional Engineers shall practice within their discipline and area of competence. All applicants must declare their engineering discipline in their application for registration. The Board will issue Certificates of Registration to those applicants who demonstrate qualifications acceptable to the Board, for a specific discipline. These disciplines are as follows:
a. Agricultural and Biological Engineering
b. Architectural Engineering
c. Chemical
d. Civil
e. Control Systems
f. Electrical and Computer
g. Environmental
h. Fire Protection
i. Industrial and Systems
j. Mechanical
k. Metallurgical and Materials
l. Mining and Mineral Processing
m. Naval Architecture and Marine
n. Nuclear
o. Petroleum
p. Structural
E. Stamps/Seals
1. Each Professional Engineer hereunder may upon registration obtain a stamp/seal of the design indicated by the Department, bearing the Registrant's name, serial number and the legend, "Registered Professional Engineer." The Registrant's assigned engineering discipline, if applicable in accordance with §1.3.1(D) of this Part, shall appear on the stamp under the words "Registered Professional Engineer."
2. Final drawings, specifications, plats, and reports prepared by a Registrant shall, when issued, be signed and stamped with the said stamp/seal or facsimile thereof.
3. Electronic Signatures. The Board allows electronic signatures and/or seals on plans submitted to government agencies, such as municipalities and state agencies that accept electronic documentation and electronic signatures and seals as allowed by the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act adopted under R.I. Gen. Laws § 42-127.1-1, et seq. It is incumbent on the Professional Engineer to ensure their electronic signatures and seals are properly encoded to avoid unauthorized use by anyone other than the registered engineer.
F. Renewal of Individual Registration
1. Registrations shall expire on the last day of the month of June in the odd years following their issuance and shall become invalid after that date unless renewed.
2. It shall be the duty of the Board to notify every individual licensed under this Part of the date of the expiration of the certificate of licensure and the amount of the fee required for its renewal. Such notice shall be emailed to the licensee at their last known email address at least one (1) month in advance of the date of the expiration of the certificate.
3. All registrants shall update and maintain their online registration account and ensure all contact information is accurate and current.
4. Renewal may be affected at any time prior to or during the month of June by submitting a complete renewal application and payment of a fee as established by regulation of the Board.
G. Reinstatement of Expired Registration (R.I. Gen. Laws § 5-8-15)
1. A registration which has been allowed to lapse for not more than three (3) years, shall be approved by the Board upon receipt of the required registration fees and statutory penalties.
2. If the registration has been expired for more than three (3) years, the applicant shall complete a reinstatement application, pay the application fee, submit a current NCEES record. The Board may also require a brief outline setting forth the professional activities in Rhode Island of the applicant during the lapsed period. If approved, renewal fees and statutory penalties for each year that the registration was expired must be paid before the registration will be reinstated.
H. Retirement Status.
1. Any Professional Engineer who currently holds a registration issued by the Board that is active and in good standing and who has attained the age of sixty-five (65) may request that his/her registration be placed in retirement status, provided that he/she is not actively engaged in the Practice of Engineering and has submitted an application for retirement status in a form prescribed by the Board and any other information or documents required by the Board.
2. A Professional Engineer Registrant in retirement status may restore his/her active registration to engage in the Practice of Engineering by submitting to the Board a renewal application in a form prescribed by the Board along with payment of the current renewal fee for the registration and any other information or documents required by the Board.
3. Professional Engineer Registrants in retirement status may not offer to engage or engage in the Practice of Engineering, or sign or seal or permit the registrant's seal or signature to be affixed to any plans, drawings, reports or other documents while their retirement status is in effect. Professional Engineers Registrants in retirement status shall be entitled to use the professional engineer designation in their signature title in correspondence, business cards and other documents, provided they must also include reference to their retirement status as follows "PE (retired)" or "Professional Engineer (retired)".
I. Temporary Permit. It is the policy of the Rhode Island Board of Registration for Professional Engineers to not issue a temporary permit to practice or offer to practice engineering in the State of Rhode Island. See R.I. Gen. Laws 5-8-21(1).
1.3.2Application for Engineer-in-Training Certification
A. Upon passing the FE Exam, applicants who qualify for an EIT in accordance with R.I. Gen. Laws § 5-8-11(b), shall submit a complete application to the Board verifying the FE Exam, education and experience (if required for the particular degree), containing the required references, and pay the fee.
1.3.3Appeal of Registration Application Denial
A. Pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws § 5-8-14(d), any party aggrieved by the Board's decision regarding registration issuance or renewal may, within ten (10) days of the decision, appeal the matter to the Director by submitting a written request for a formal hearing to be conducted consistent with the provisions of R.I. Gen. Laws §§ 5-8-18 and 42-35-9, and the Rules of Procedure, 230-RICR-10-00-2.

430 R.I. Code R. 430-RICR-00-00-1.3

Amended effective 7/1/2020
Amended effective 3/7/2024