Current through December 26, 2024
Section 300-RICR-00-00-2.5 - DEFINITIONSA. As used in these rules and regulations the following definitions will apply: 1. "A/C" means alternating current for the nameplate capacity of the commercial renewable energy system.2. "Eligible renewable energy resources" mean those technologies defined under R.I. Gen. Laws Chapter 39-26-5.3. "$/per kW" means the kilowatt/dollar/kilowatt amount adopted through the regulations that municipalities will be compensated from a commercial renewable energy system annually.4. "Office" means the Rhode Island Office of Energy Resources.5. "REG Program" means the Renewable Energy Growth Program where a renewable energy system sells electricity through a 15 or 20 year tariff with National Grid.6. "Net metering" means a renewable energy system installed on a property that is offsetting electric bills pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws § 39-26.4-1 et seq.7. "Virtual net metering" means a renewable energy system that is installed on private or public property where the off-taker of the electricity is a municipality, public school, state or quasi-state public entity pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws § 39-26.4-1 et seq.300 R.I. Code R. 300-RICR-00-00-2.5