250 R.I. Code R. 250-RICR-60-00-9.7

Current through December 26, 2024
Section 250-RICR-60-00-9.7 - Deer
A. A deer permit must be obtained prior to hunting for each individual deer taken in accordance with the bag limits for each season type, statewide.
B. Deer Management Zones are defined to recognize and achieve harvest and management strategies for deer in Rhode Island as follows:
1. Zone 1 shall consist of the following towns:
a. Barrington; Bristol; Central Falls; Charlestown; Cranston; Cumberland; East Greenwich; East Providence; Jamestown; Johnston; Lincoln; Middletown; Narragansett; Newport; North Kingstown; North Providence; North Smithfield; Pawtucket; Providence; Smithfield; South Kingstown; Warren; Warwick; West Warwick; Westerly; and Woonsocket.
2. Zone 2 shall consist of the following towns:
a. Burrillville; Coventry; Exeter; Foster; Glocester; Hopkinton; Little Compton; Portsmouth (excluding Prudence and Patience Islands); Richmond; Scituate; Tiverton; and West Greenwich.
3. Zone 3 shall consist of:
a. Patience and Prudence Islands
4. Zone 4 shall consist of:
a. New Shoreham (Block Island)
C. Open Season Zones 1 and 2 (all dates inclusive)
1. Archery:
a. Zone 1: September 15 to January 31
b. Zone 2: October 1 to January 31
2. Muzzleloader:
a. Zones 1 and 2: First (1st) Saturday in November through the Sunday after Thanksgiving Day
b. Zones 1 and 2: December 26 to January 2
(1) Hunting on private land, including applicable hunting cooperatives, only.
(2) Only antlerless deer may be taken.
3. Shotgun:
a. Zone 1: First (1st) Saturday in December extending sixteen (16) days inclusive of the first (1st) Saturday
b. Zone 2: First (1st) Saturday in December extending nine (9) days, inclusive of the first (1st) Saturday
c. Zones 1 and 2: December 26 to January 2
(1) Hunting on private land, including applicable hunting cooperatives, only.
(2) Only antlerless deer may be taken.
D. Open Season Zone 3 (all dates inclusive):
1. Archery: November 1 to January 31
2. Paraplegic hunter season: Last consecutive Tuesday through Friday, inclusive, in October
E. Open Season Zone 4:
1. 2024-2025 Open Season
a. Archery: October 17, 18, 21 - 25, 28 - 31
b. Archery, Muzzleloader and Shotgun:
(1) November 1, 4-8, 12 - 15, 18, 19, 21, 22, 25, 26
(2) December 2, 3, 5, 6, 9 - 13, 16, 17, 19, 20
(3) January 2, 3, 6 - 10, 13 - 17, 21 - 24, 27 - 31
(4) February 3 - 7, 10 - 14
2. 2025-2026 Open Season
a. Archery: October 16, 17, 20 - 24, 27 - 31
b. Archery, Muzzleloader and Shotgun:
(1) November 3 - 7, 10, 12 - 14, 17, 18, 20, 21, 24, 25
(2) December 1, 2, 4, 5, 8 - 12, 15, 16, 18, 19
(3) January 2, 5 - 9, 12 - 16, 20 - 23, 26 - 30
(4) February 2 - 6, 9 - 13
F. Legal shooting hours for hunting deer are one half (1/2) hour before sunrise to one half (1/2) hour after sunset.
G. Annual written permission is required to hunt deer on privately-owned land (R.I. Gen. Laws § 20-15-1(4)). Such written permission must be carried at all times while deer hunting and failure to have such written permission is prima facie evidence of not having written permission to hunt such land. Written permission must be shown to any authorized person upon demand and must be presented when checking the deer. A valid hunting license constitutes written permission on applicable Hunting Cooperative properties for which a permit is not required.
H. Tagging Requirements: Immediately after harvesting, the hunter must notch the month, day, and hour of kill on the deer tag and conspicuously attach the tag to the carcass before moving the carcass for field dressing or removal from the field. If transporting a quartered or deboned carcass out of the field results in carcass parts being in different places, the tag must remain attached to the majority of the carcass. The head shall be kept in the hunter's possession to demonstrate evidence of/lack of antlers until the carcass is prepared for consumption or taxidermy. If the head is separated from the carcass for taxidermy, both the carcass and head shall remain conspicuously tagged with the original, reprint, or copy of notched tag and confirmation number until the carcass and head are prepared for consumption or completed taxidermy. The copying or reprinting of tags is allowed for tagging multiple parts of the same deer but does not allow the hunter to take additional deer. Deer required to be checked at a check station shall not be quartered or otherwise dismembered, other than field dressing, during open deer check station dates and must be presented to a check station in whole, hog, or field dressed.
I. Reporting Requirements: All deer harvested must be reported to the DEM within twenty-four (24) hours by filing a harvest report as prescribed by the DEM or be checked by an Environmental Police Officer (EPO). A confirmation number will be issued and must be recorded on the notched tag. The notched tag with confirmation number must remain attached to the carcass until prepared for consumption or taxidermy.
1. During the first (1st) two (2) days of the muzzleloader deer season and the first (1st) two (2) days of shotgun deer season, all deer harvested statewide, by any method, must be brought to a State Operated Biological Checking Station to be physically weighed, measured and inspected with the exception of deer harvested on Patience Island, Prudence Island, and Block Island.
J. The Division of Fish and Wildlife retains the right to sample any and all tissues for population and disease management.
K. Resident All Outdoors Deer Permit Package: Rhode Island Resident hunters may purchase one (1) resident All Outdoors Deer Permit Package to take up to seven (7) deer during the established deer seasons in Zones 1 and 2.
1. The All Outdoors Deer Permit Package consists of two (2) antlered deer permits and five (5) antlerless deer permits that may be used in any combination during the open deer seasons in Zones 1 and 2 in accordance with the zone bag limits.
L. Deer decoys may be used on private lands and state-owned Wildlife Management Areas (excludes State Parks, Public Reservations, Cooperative properties, and Federal properties) during the archery only deer seasons while archery hunting only. This excludes youth muzzleloader and shotgun seasons. However, deer decoys may be used throughout the extent of the open archery season on private lands in towns where hunting with a firearm is prohibited but use of archery equipment is permitted. When transporting deer decoys for the purpose of hunting, persons must wear five hundred (500) square inches of daylight fluorescent orange visible from all sides as is currently required for shotgun deer hunting.
M. Tree stands may not be installed on State-owned property prior to August 15 and must be removed prior to February 15 annually. All tree stands set on public land or cooperative hunting properties must be marked with the hunters Customer ID number or Sportman's equipment ID number.
N. Upon shooting a deer, a hunter with a current valid hunting license and deer permit may use one (1) dog or engage a second party to use one (1) dog to recover a wounded and lost or un-recovered deer within seventy-two (72) hours of shooting the deer provided that they comply with the following restrictions.
1. There shall be no firearms or archery devices carried by the hunter, dog handler, or any individual present at the time of tracking with a dog present.
2. The dog shall be maintained under physical control of the dog handler at all times by the means of a lead no longer than fifty (50) feet that shall be attached to the collar or harness of the dog.
3. The hunter shall be present at all times.
4. All parties involved in recovering a deer with a dog shall wear 500 square inches of fluorescent orange.
5. If it is determined that the deer is still alive all parties will back away immediately and the dog will be taken out of the area. Once the dog is removed from the hunting area, the hunter may return with a legal weapon.
6. Written permission required for deer hunting shall be possessed while tracking with a dog on private land.
9.7.1Season Bag Limit
A. No hunter shall take more than two (2) antlered deer in total during all deer seasons statewide, except only one (1) of the antlered deer may be taken in Zone 3. The season bag limit of antlered deer is not specific to season or method.
B. Antlerless deer season bag limit is set by Deer Management Zone. The season bag limit of antlerless deer is not specific to season or method. Hunters can harvest the allowable bag limit within each zone.
1. Zone 1: Three (3) antlerless deer
2. Zone 2: Two (2) antlerless deer
3. Zone 3: Two (2) antlerless deer
4. Zone 4: Unlimited
9.7.2Prohibited Activities
A. Hunting, pursuing, or molesting deer in tidal waters, or while deer are swimming in any waters of the State is prohibited.
B. The construction and/or use of permanent tree stands, or the use of nails, spikes, bolts, or climbing devices which may damage trees, is prohibited on State property or on private property without the permission of the landowner.
C. The use of electronic calls for hunting deer is prohibited at all times.
D. Driving deer by parties of over five (5) people is prohibited.
E. Possession of more than one (1) firearm or archery implement in the field per individual hunter, while hunting deer is prohibited.
F. During the period September 15 through the last day of February (statewide and islands), casting rays of artificial lights at any time, on any highway or roadway, whether public or private or on any field, woodland, residential property or forest, for the purpose of illuminating any wild animal or wild bird is prohibited.
G. The use or possession of deer scents/lures that contain natural cervid (including deer, moose, elk) urine, gland oil, feces, tissue, blood or any other bodily fluids while taking, attempting to take, attracting, or scouting wildlife is prohibited.
H. Feeding, baiting, and hunting deer over bait is prohibited. Baiting includes placing, exposing, distributing, or scattering any food sources, including but not limited to salt, minerals, apples, and grain to lure, attract, or entice deer.
9.7.3Archery Season
A. Archers may use a long bow, recurve bow, compound bow or crossbow for hunting deer.
1. Long bow, re-curve bow and compound bow must be set at not less than forty (40) pounds for archers using fixed blade broadheads, and a minimum of fifty (50) pounds for archers using mechanical broadheads.
a. Special archery adaptive aids for use with vertically held bows may be used by all hunters without a special permit.
b. Licensed deer hunters may carry blunt or judo tipped arrows to hunt the open portion of the small game season during the archery deer season.
2. Crossbows must be set at not less than one hundred twenty-five (125) pounds minimum draw weight. The trigger unit must have a working safety.
a. One (1) field point arrow may be carried in the quiver for the safe discharge of the crossbow; the field point arrow must be made distinguishable from broadhead tipped arrows by a color difference.
b. Licensed deer hunters may carry blunt or judo tipped arrows to hunt small game mammals during the open portion of the small game season during the archery deer season; no birds may be taken with a crossbow and these arrow(s) must be made distinguishable from broadhead tipped arrows and the discharge arrow.
B. Only broadhead tipped arrows with at least two (2) metal cutting edges are allowed. All broadheads must be seven eighths of one inch (7/8") or greater at the widest point, including mechanical (i.e. expandable) broadheads measured in the "open" position.
C. All hunters must have taken and successfully completed a bow hunter education course to hunt with archery equipment including crossbow.
9.7.4Muzzleloader Season
A. Firearms for muzzleloader deer season are limited to .45 caliber or larger using percussion caplock, flintlock, and in-line ignition systems using percussion caps, rifle, or shotshell primers. Only single barrel or double barrel firearms where a single projectile must be loaded from the muzzle are permitted.
B. Ammunition for muzzleloader deer season is limited to a single projectile, including round ball, or maxi ball type projectiles. Sabot rounds for muzzleloader firearms are permitted using lead, jacketed or solid copper bullets according to manufacturer's specifications. Powder is limited to manufacturers' specifications. Telescopic sights are permitted. Possession of modern shotgun shotshells while hunting is prohibited. A muzzleloader is considered unloaded when the percussion cap, primer or pan powder is removed.
C. Archery equipment is not permitted to be used with a current muzzleloader deer permit. A hunter shall not use a muzzleloader deer permit to tag an animal harvested during muzzleloader season with archery equipment.
9.7.5Shotgun Season
A. No person shall hunt, pursue, shoot or attempt to shoot any deer with a shotgun capable of holding more than five (5) shells, unless it is plugged with one (1) piece filler, which is incapable of removal without disassembling the gun.
B. Ammunition permitted for shotgun deer season is limited to a single lead or alloy projectile, including rifled slugs or sabot round. Buckshot is prohibited at all times.
C. Shotguns of ten (10), twelve (12), sixteen (16), or twenty (20) gauge are allowed.
D. Muzzleloader firearms will be permitted during the shotgun season provided hunters possess a current shotgun deer permit and comply with muzzleloader restrictions. Muzzleloader hunters taking a deer during the shotgun season must tag the deer with the shotgun deer tag immediately after taking. All shotgun deer season fluorescent orange requirements will be enforced.
E. Archery equipment is not permitted to be used with a current shotgun deer permit. A hunter shall not use a shotgun deer permit to tag an animal harvested during shotgun season with archery equipment.
9.7.6Patience and Prudence Islands (Zone 3)
A. The only legal method of deer hunting on Patience and Prudence Islands is by archery, including crossbows. All other archery Regulations apply. Exemption: hunters complying with section for paraplegic and double amputees may use firearms as provided in § 9.8(B)(3) of this Part.
B. The Heritage property will be open to archery deer hunting only from December 1 to December 15 inclusive.
C. Proficiency testing is required of all archery hunters hunting deer on Patience and Prudence Islands, either private or State-owned lands.
D. Written permission of the private landowner is required and must be countersigned by the Portsmouth Chief of Police or his/her representative on Prudence Island.
9.7.7Block Island (Zone 4)
A. State lands (Black Rock/Rodman Hollow) hunting by special permit only, selected by lottery as prescribed by the Department of Environmental Management.
1. Hunting log required. Hunters must complete a hunting log as prescribed by the DEM to be eligible for the next season's permit.
B. A Block Island archery, muzzleloader or shotgun deer permit is required to hunt deer on Block Island.
C. Private landowner permission, counter-signed by the New Shoreham Chief of Police, is required for all hunting. Private landowners may give permission for archery, shotgun, or muzzleloader hunting on their property. Permission will be tracked by the New Shoreham Police Department.
D. Proficiency testing is required of all archery hunters that are hunting deer on Block Island.
E. All deer hunters must wear five hundred (500) square inches of daylight fluorescent orange, except archery hunters during the archery only portion of the season.

250 R.I. Code R. 250-RICR-60-00-9.7

Amended effective 7/31/2019
Amended effective 8/2/2020
Amended effective 7/31/2021
Amended Effective 11/17/2021
Amended effective 7/31/2022
Amended effective 6/28/2023
Amended effective 8/2/2023
Amended effective 8/8/2024