250 R.I. Code R. 250-RICR-60-00-12.5

Current through December 26, 2024
Section 250-RICR-60-00-12.5 - Administrative Rules
A. All users must obtain a range permit prior to using the target range. The Rhode Island Division of Fish and Wildlife reserves the right to limit the number of permits issued. Target Range Permits are non-transferable.
B. To apply for a range permit, all applicants eighteen (18) years of age or older must:
1. Obtain an application from the Rhode Island Division of Fish and Wildlife, Great Swamp Field Headquarters, 277 Great Neck Rd., West Kingston, RI 02892 or the Fish and Wildlife Education Office at 1B Camp E-Hun-Tee Place, Exeter, RI 02822 or at www.dem.ri.gov.
2. Complete the application form and have his/her signature notarized.
3. Attach a copy of your driver's license or other government issued picture ID.
4. Attach one (1) of the following certifications:
a. State-issued Hunter Education Card
b. Valid, State-issued, firearms hunting license
c. RIDEM Pistol/Revolver Certification Card (Blue Card)
d. Valid, Rhode Island Department of Attorney General Pistol Permit
e. Active Military I.D.
f. Equivalent Certification as determined by the Rhode Island Division of Fish and Wildlife.
5. Mail the completed application package along with a LEGAL SIZE, self-addressed stamped envelope to: Range Permit, Rhode Island Division of Fish and Wildlife, 1 B Camp E-Hun-Tee Place, Exeter, RI 02822.
6. When this material is received, applicants will be notified that they are eligible to attend a range safety briefing. A range pass will be issued at the conclusion of the range safety briefing. Applications for minors (under eighteen (18) years of age) must include the notarized signature and a copy of the driver's license or other government-issued picture ID of a parent or legal guardian. Minors are exempt from requirement three (3) of the application process. Illegible, incomplete, or incorrect permit applications will not be processed.
7. For renewal of permits issued in 2010 or later, please complete the Target Range Permit Application and check the RENEWAL box at the top right and attach your previous permit. It is not necessary to attach your certification or have your signature notarized unless you are moving from a "minor" to an "adult" permit in which case you must apply as a new user. Users who renew must attend a safety briefing to be updated on any changes in Regulations or policy.
C. All minors (under eighteen (18)) must be accompanied by a "qualified adult" when using the range. A "qualified adult" is any person twenty-one (21) years of age or older who is permitted by law to possess and use a firearm. The "qualified adult" must also possess a valid range permit and is directly responsible for the actions of minors under their supervision. The "qualified adult" must assure by direct supervision that minors follow all mandated safety procedures. The "qualified adult" shall supervise only one (1) minor at a time.
D. All individuals must wear their Range Permit so it is visible to other users and to supervisory personnel and present picture ID to the Range Safety Officer when signing in. The permit will be retained by the Range Safety Officer for the duration of the visit and will be returned when signing out. The Range Safety Officer has the authority to retain the permit of any individual found to be in violation of Target Range Regulations. The Range Permit must be presented, upon request, to any authorized person.
E. Persons so designated by the RI Division of Fish amp; Wildlife are authorized to carry out the Rules and Regulations with regard to range users.
F. Hours of operation will vary by season and environmental conditions and availability of staff. The Division of Fish amp; Wildlife reserves the right to alter hours and days of operation as conditions warrant.
G. The primary use of the range is for Hunter Education training. Secondary use is for public practice. Range may be closed without notice for special training, maintenance, safety, or weather conditions.
H. Pets must be leashed and strictly controlled at all times. No pets are allowed on the firing line. At no time should pets be allowed to interfere with the range operation.
I. Parking is allowed in designated parking area only.
J. Individuals are responsible to dispose of all trash generated, including shell casings, prior to leaving the range.

250 R.I. Code R. 250-RICR-60-00-12.5

Adopted effective 6/28/2023