250 R.I. Code R. 250-RICR-60-00-12.3

Current through December 26, 2024
Section 250-RICR-60-00-12.3 - Rifle/Pistol Range
A. The discharge of any firearm other than a handgun, shotgun, rim fire rifle, muzzleloader rifle, or air gun is prohibited on the fifty (50) yard rifle/pistol range. The Division of Fish and Wildlife reserves the right to allow or disallow additional types of firearms as deemed appropriate to facility modifications and/or use.
B. The use of shot ammunition on the pistol/rifle range is limited to patterning for seasonal hunting. Appropriate shot and patterning targets required.
C. No firing from positions forward of the designated firing line.
D. No firing from positions other than a designated shooting lane.
E. Use only the provided target stand designated for your shooting lane. No cross firing to other shooting lanes.
F. Use paper targets only no larger than fifteen inches by twenty inches (15" by 20"). All other targets are prohibited. Human silhouette targets and targets depicting people are not allowed.

250 R.I. Code R. 250-RICR-60-00-12.3

Adopted effective 6/28/2023