Subchapter 20 - Financial Assistance
- Part 1 - Rules and Regulations for the State Revolving Fund (SRF) Program (250-RICR-150-20-1) (§§ 250-RICR-150-20-1.1 — 250-RICR-150-20-1.12)
- Part 2 - Rules and Regulations for the Priority Determination System for Federal and State Assistance to Local Governmental Units for Construction of Water Pollution Abatement Projects (250-RICR-150-20-2) (§§ 250-RICR-150-20-2.1 — 250-RICR-150-20-2.12)
- Part 4 - Rules and Regulations for the Grant Program for the Interceptor Bond Fund of the Rhode Island Clean Water Act Environmental Trust Fund (250-RICR-150-20-4) (§§ 250-RICR-150-20-4.1 — 250-RICR-150-20-4.11)
- Part 5 - Rules and Regulations for the Narragansett Bay and Watershed Restoration Bond Fund (250-RICR-150-20-5) (§§ 250-RICR-150-20-5.1 — 250-RICR-150-20-5.13)
- Part 6 - Rules and Regulations Governing the Establishment of a Uniform Septage Disposal Fee (250-RICR-150-20-6) (§§ 250-RICR-150-20-6.1 — 250-RICR-150-20-6.10)
- Part 7 - Rules and Regulations for RI Clean Vessel Act Pumpout Grant Program (§§ 250-RICR-150-20-7.1 — 250-RICR-150-20-7.13)