Current through December 26, 2024
Section 250-RICR-150-10-6.40 - Alternative ToiletsA. Alternative toilets include composting toilets that meet or exceed performance standards equivalent to the requirements of the National Sanitation Foundation Standard 41, incorporated above at § 6.7(C) of this Part and incinerator toilets. 1. Alternative toilets shall be installed, operated and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications; have a positive ventilation system; and must convert toilet contents to an inert, stable, or otherwise harmless condition.2. The owner shall hold a valid maintenance contract at all times with an entity or individual that is certified by the alternative toilet vendor to provide maintenance of the alternative toilet. The minimum maintenance contract term shall be two (2) years.3. The owner shall record the approved OWTS construction permit application form and associated permit conditions for this alternative toilet and the initially executed maintenance contract for the system in the municipal land evidence records and provide DEM a copy of the recorded document prior to DEM issuing a certificate of conformance.4. Two (2) years after the issuance of the certificate of conformance, and every two (2) years thereafter, the owner shall submit a report prepared by a System Inspector documenting the condition of all aspects of the OWTS, including, but not limited to, certification that the OWTS has not been modified and the design remains as permitted.5. The Department may impose additional conditions on the approval of an alternative toilet to ensure proper operation and protection of public health and the environment.B. Separate OWTS - When an alternative toilet is utilized, a separate OWTS shall be provided for the treatment of any graywater and designed on sixty percent (60%) of the normal daily design flow as determined by § 6.22 of this Part. If wastewater from any conventional toilets is directed to this leachfield, the leachfield must be designed for one hundred percent (100%) of the daily design flow.C. Residuals - Solids produced by alternative toilets may be buried on site, unless prohibited by § 6.43 of this Part. Residuals shall not be applied to food crops. Alternative toilets that may generate excess liquids shall either be designed such that the residual liquids are pumped to the graywater septic tank or to a separate holding tank. Liquids shall be removed from this separate holding tank by a DEM-permitted septage transporter. This holding tank shall be designed as follows: 1. Have a capacity of two hundred fifty (250) gallons or one (1) year's projected flow as determined by the manufacturer, whichever is greater;2. Be watertight and meet the construction and materials standards for septic tanks in § 6.27(C) of this Part; and3. Be equipped with an audio-visual alarm set to activate when the tank reaches eighty percent (80%) of its capacity.D. Removal and Replacement - The property owner shall submit an OWTS Application for New Building Construction pursuant to § 6.18(E) of this Part in order to remove or replace the alternative toilet.250 R.I. Code R. 250-RICR-150-10-6.40
Amended effective 11/25/2018
Amended effective 12/28/2021
Amended effective 7/1/2022