Current through December 26, 2024
Section 230-RICR-30-30-5.8 - MiscellaneousA. No Person under eighteen (18) years of age shall be licensed as a Competitor.B. No Person may participate in a Wrestling Event against or with an animal.C. No male Competitor may participate in a Wrestling Event against a female Competitor or vice-versa.D. No Person over the age of thirty-five (35) shall be licensed as a Competitor without a hearing before the Division concerning his/her physical ability to perform.E. Any Person applying for a Competitor's License without significant professional or amateur experience may be required to show proof of proper training as a wrestler.F. The Referee or the Division official at ringside pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws § 41-5-9.1 may disqualify a Competitor before or during the Event for: 1. the use of profanity, including gestures, by the Competitor, his manager, or his second; or 2. unsportsmanlike behavior including, but not limited to, arguing with a Referee or the Division official or refusing to obey either the Referee or Division official's orders.G. In addition to the Physician who shall be in attendance at the Event, an ambulance and two (2) paramedics must be on standby, or in the discretion of the Division, at ringside.H. The administration or use of drugs, stimulants or alcohol, either before or during an Event by any Competitor is prohibited. The Division shall revoke the Competitor License of any Competitor who uses drugs, stimulants or alcohol. For the purpose of verifying compliance with this rule, the Director or his Division designee may require that any Competitor submit to a urinalysis or blood test prior to or after the Event, or if recommended by the Physician, any other post-Event examination. All costs associated with the foregoing tests shall be borne by the Competitor or the Promotor.I. In addition, the Division may require that any Competitor submit to an H.I.V. test in accordance with R.I. Gen. Laws § 41-5-11.1. The Division may, in its sole discretion, waive the H.I.V. test if the Competitor presents original or certified laboratory test results performed within thirty (30) days of submitting his completed application reflecting that he or she has been tested negative for the presence of the H.I.V. virus. J. All medical reports and tests required to be performed pursuant to these Rules or the Act shall be open to examination only to the Department or its duly authorized representatives, to the Competitor and, upon written authorization of the Competitor to all such designated persons.K. No liquid refreshments of any kind may be sold at the Event except in paper containers. Chairs must be securely attached so they are not portable.L. Matchmakers and announcers may participate in a Wrestling Event without being licensed. It shall be the responsibility of the Event Licensee to ensure that these unlicensed Persons comply with the Act and these Rules. These Persons must register with the Division by supplying their name, address, telephone number and social security number.M. No Event shall be ticketed in a general admission style of seating. All Events shall be ticketed by reserved seating.230 R.I. Code R. 230-RICR-30-30-5.8