230 R.I. Code R. 230-RICR-30-25-1.7

Current through December 26, 2024
Section 230-RICR-30-25-1.7 - Packaged Commodities Regulated
A. The following consumer commodities shall be labeled in accordance with this Part. Such consumer commodities may not be sold in retail stores subject to this Part unless the conditions of this Part have been met.
1. Aluminum, plastic wraps, foils, and waxed paper
2. Baby foods
3. Baking mixes and supplies
4. Bottled beverages - carbonated and non-carbonated
5. Bread and pastry products
6. Butter
7. Canned fish and meats
8. Cereals
9. Cocoa
10. Coffee, instant and ground
11. Cookies and crackers
12. Cooking oils
13. Deodorants
14. Detergents
15. Fruits, vegetables, and juices - canned, jarred, boxed
16. Flavored syrups
17. Flour
18. Frozen fruits, vegetables, and juices
19. Grains
20. Honey
21. Household cleansers, waxes, deodorizers
22. Instant breakfast foods
23. Jellies, jams and sandwich spreads
24. Ketchup and mustard
25. Oleomargarine
26. Pet foods
27. Powdered drink mixes
28. Salad Dressings
29. Sanitary paper products, such as napkins, paper towels, tissues, etc.
30. Sauces
31. Shampoos
32. Shaving Cream
33. Shortenings
34. Snack foods, such as potato chips, pretzels, etc., but only when sold in packages of five ounces (5 oz.) or more in weight.
35. Soups - canned and dry mixes
36. Spaghetti, noodles and pasta products
37. Tea
38. Toothpaste

230 R.I. Code R. 230-RICR-30-25-1.7