Current through December 26, 2024
Section 230-RICR-30-20-2.20 - RecordsA. Every principal broker shall ensure that his or her affiliated licensees keep records of all funds and property of others received by him or her for not less than three (3) years from the date of receipt of any such funds or property.B. A licensee shall maintain and retain records sufficient to identify the ownership of all funds belonging to others and the property associated with those funds. Such records shall be sufficient to show proper deposit of such funds in an escrow account and to verify the accuracy and proper use of the escrow account. The required records shall include:2. Canceled checks. Checks shall conspicuously identify the payee and shall bear a notation identifying the purpose of the disbursement. When a check is used to disburse funds for more than one (1) sales transaction, owner, or property, the check shall bear a notation identifying each sales transaction, owner, or property for which disbursement is made, including the amount disbursed for each, and the corresponding sales transaction, property, or owner ledger entries. In lieu of retaining canceled checks, a licensee may retain digitally imaged copies of the canceled checks or substitute checks provided that such images are legible reproductions of the front and back of such instruments with no smaller images than 1.1875 x 3.0 inches and provided that the licensee's bank retains for a period of at least six (6) years the original checks, or the capacity to provide substitute checks and makes the original or substitute checks available to the licensee and the Department upon request.3. Journal or check stubs. A journal or check stubs shall identify in chronological sequence each bank deposit and disbursement of monies to and from the escrow account, including the amount and date of each deposit and a reference to the corresponding deposit ticket and any supplemental deposit worksheet, and the amount, date, check number, and purpose of disbursements and to whom paid. The journal or check stubs shall also show a running balance for all funds in the account.4. Copies of contracts, leases and management agreements5. Closing statements and property management statements6. Other documents. Invoices, bills, and contracts paid from the escrow account, and any documents not otherwise described herein necessary and sufficient to verify and explain record entries. Records of all receipts and disbursements of escrow monies shall be maintained in such a manner as to create an audit trail from deposit tickets and canceled checks to check stubs or journals and to the ledger sheets. Ledger sheets and journals or check stubs must be reconciled to the escrow account bank statements on a monthly basis. To be sufficient, records of escrow monies must include a worksheet for each such monthly reconciliation showing the ledger sheets, journals or check stubs, and bank statements to be in agreement and balance.C. Inspection of Records. Every principal broker and his or her affiliated licensees shall make available for inspection by the Department all records of transactions, books of account, instruments, documents and forms utilized or maintained in the conduct of the licensed business activity. All records pertaining to escrow accounts shall be made available upon demand. All other records shall be open for inspection during regular business hours.230 R.I. Code R. 230-RICR-30-20-2.20
Amended effective 11/27/2019
Amended effective 5/1/2021
Amended effective 2/21/2022