230 R.I. Code R. 230-RICR-30-05-5.8

Current through December 26, 2024
Section 230-RICR-30-05-5.8 - Records and Reports
A. Every Licensee shall maintain accurate and up-to-date records with respect to all vehicles and motor vehicle parts purchased and sold. Such records must be maintained and available on the premises for inspection. Such records shall include all items delineated in R.I. Gen. Laws § 42-14.2-14.
1. The Licensee shall maintain and make available for inspection the following information for any vehicles purchased or sold, or any motor vehicle body part(s) or major component(s) purchased or sold, including:
a. Date of acquisition;
b. Name and residence of person from whom acquired;
c. Vehicle identification number;
d. Date of sale;
e. Make, model and year of vehicle;
f. Color;
g. Type of title;
h. Disposition;
i. Date of disposition;
j. Purchaser; and
k. Purchaser's method of identification.
B. Records for all motor vehicle parts purchased and disposed of in any way must be maintained and available on the premises for inspection purposes.
C. The Licensee or his or her or its employee shall verify from the seller of a vehicle or parts from a vehicle his or her or its identity through an operator's license or social security card or other reasonable means of identification deemed by the Department to be reasonable under the circumstances, for example, a passport, military identification, or resident alien permit.
D. Licensees who operate mobile crushers shall not crush any vehicles or motor vehicle parts on any premises which are not licensed. In addition to the records required in § 5.8(A) of this Part, Licensees who crush or allow the crushing of vehicles or motor vehicle parts on Licensed premises must maintain as part of its records the date the vehicle or motor vehicle part was crushed, by whom the crushing was done, and what was done with the crushed material.
E. All records are to be preserved and maintained on the premises for a period of two (2) years, and shall be open to inspection by the Department during reasonable business hours.

230 R.I. Code R. 230-RICR-30-05-5.8