230 R.I. Code R. 230-RICR-20-60-3.6

Current through December 26, 2024
Section 230-RICR-20-60-3.6 - Hearing Officer
A. The Director, authorized by law to adjudicate insurance Rate hearings, may delegate his or her authority to hear the case to a Hearing Officer.
B. If the Director intends to appoint a Hearing Officer other than the designated departmental Hearing Officer, said appointment must be made and notice given to all parties not later than the pre-hearing conference and if no pre-hearing conference is held pursuant to § 3.11(H) of this Part, not later than ten (10) days prior to the hearing.
C. If the Filer, in good faith, shall timely present a sufficient affidavit of personal bias, lack of independence, disqualification by law, or other reason for disqualification, the Director may then disqualify said Hearing Officer and designate another Hearing Officer to preside. Any denial of such a request must be in writing setting forth the reasons for such denial.
D. No Party shall engage in direct communication with a Hearing Officer relating to the matters of law or fact to be heard by the Hearing Officer without the permission or attendance of all other parties to the proceeding. This prohibition does not apply to any matters of procedure or any issue outside of the Rate application currently before the Hearing Officer, including Rates for other lines which have not yet been filed or which are not subject to hearing and alternative filings which the carrier may make upon withdrawal of the filing subject to the hearing.

230 R.I. Code R. 230-RICR-20-60-3.6