Current through December 26, 2024
Section 230-RICR-20-30-8.9 - Testimonials or Endorsements by Third PartiesA. Testimonials and endorsements used in advertisements must be genuine, represent the current opinion of the author, be applicable to the policy advertised and be accurately reproduced. The insurer, in using a testimonial or endorsement, makes as its own all of the statements contained therein, and the advertisement, including the statement, is subject to all the provisions of these rules. When a testimonial or endorsement is used more than one year after it was originally given, a confirmation must be obtained.B. A person shall be deemed a "spokesperson" if the person making the testimonial or endorsement: 1. Has a financial interest in the insurer or a related entity as a stockholder, director, officer, employee or otherwise;2. Has been formed by the insurer, is owned or controlled by the insurer, its employees, or the person or persons who own or control the insurer;3. Has any person in a policy-making position who is affiliated with the insurer in any of the above described capacities; or4. Is in any way directly or indirectly compensated for making a testimonial or endorsementC. The fact of a financial interest or the proprietary or representative capacity of a spokesperson shall be disclosed in an advertisement and shall be accomplished in the introductory portion of the testimonial or endorsement in the same form and with equal prominence thereto. If a spokesperson is directly or indirectly compensated for making a testimonial or endorsement, that fact shall be disclosed in the advertisement by language substantially as follows: "Paid Endorsement." The requirement of this disclosure may be fulfilled by use of the phrase "Paid Endorsement" or words of similar import in a type style and size at least equal to that used for the spokesperson's name or the body of the testimonial or endorsement; whichever is larger. In the case of television or radio advertising, the required disclosure must be accomplished in the introductory portion of the advertisement and must be given prominence.D. The disclosure requirements of this rule shall not apply where the sole financial interest or compensation of a spokesperson, for all testimonials or endorsements made on behalf of the insurer, consists of the payment of union scale wages required by union rules, and if the payment is actually for the scale for TV or radio performances.E. An advertisement shall not state or imply that an insurer or a Medicare supplement insurance policy has been approved or endorsed by any individual, group of individuals, society, association or other organization, unless such is the fact, and unless any proprietary relationship between an organization and the insurer is disclosed. If the entity making the endorsement or testimonial has been formed by the insurer or is owned or controlled by the insurer or the person or persons who own or control the insurer, that fact shall be disclosed in the advertisement. If the insurer or an officer of the insurer formed or controls the association, or holds any policy-making position in the association, that fact shall be disclosed.F. When a testimonial refers to benefits received under a Medicare supplement insurance policy, the specific claim data, including claim number, date of loss, and other pertinent information shall be retained by the insurer for inspection for a period of four (4) years or until the filing of the next regular report of examination of the insurer, whichever is the longer period of time. The use of testimonials that do not correctly reflect the present practices of the insurer or that are not applicable to the policy or benefit being advertised is not permissible.230 R.I. Code R. 230-RICR-20-30-8.9