230 R.I. Code R. 230-RICR-20-05-11.4

Current through December 26, 2024
Section 230-RICR-20-05-11.4 - Inspections and Reports
A. Any applicant may submit to the Association directly or through a licensed Producer designated by the applicant a completed application for a property inspection and insurance coverage or for immediate certification insurance coverage on a form prescribed by the Association, specifying the requested effective date for such coverage.
B. The Association shall have the right to inspect any property, on which immediate coverage is not requested, before accepting or declining coverage, provided that the Association may decline coverage if the application discloses that the property or applicant fails to meet the underwriting standards and other requirements of this Program, as set forth in this Regulation, without the need for an inspection.
1. The inspection shall be scheduled promptly and shall cover the construction, maintenance, materials and occupancy characteristics of the property and any other conditions, which increase the risk of loss or render it uninsurable. Photographs may be taken during the inspection to document observable conditions.
2. Except as provided in this Part, when the inspection is completed the Association shall accept or reject the application. If the application is rejected, the Association shall notify the applicant and Producer in writing of its reasons and shall provide to the applicant and Producer a copy of the Inspection Report, without charge, upon request. If the application is conditionally declined, the Association shall also give the applicant an opportunity to correct any physical conditions indicated on the written notification before making the declination final.
C. When a completed application for immediate coverage is submitted, and approved, the Association shall accept or reject the application without first performing an inspection, and, if accepted, issue a policy of Basic Property Insurance under this Program. The Association shall have the right to limit the amount of lead liability coverage provided to an applicant under the immediate coverage procedure.
1. The inspection shall be scheduled promptly and shall cover the construction, maintenance, materials and occupancy characteristics of the property and any other conditions, which increase the risk of loss or render it uninsurable. Photographs may be taken during the inspection to document observable conditions.
2. If the inspection reveals conditions which make insurance coverage with the Plan unavailable pursuant to the Underwriting Standards detailed in § 11.8 of this Part, the Association shall notify the applicant/insured and the Producer in writing of the conditions rendering the property ineligible and shall provide to the applicant/insured and Producer a copy of the Inspection Report, without charge, upon request, and shall give the applicant/insured an opportunity to correct the condition before canceling the policy.
D. The owner of any building or condominium unit or any tenant seeking insurance coverage shall provide full access to the property, upon request by the Association, for purposes of a physical inspection.
E. The inspection will be without cost to an applicant.
F. The manner and scope of the inspection shall be prescribed by the Association.

230 R.I. Code R. 230-RICR-20-05-11.4