230 R.I. Code R. 230-RICR-20-05-10.7

Current through December 26, 2024
Section 230-RICR-20-05-10.7 - Report of Labor Rate Survey to the Department
A. The report must be filed no later than September 1 of each calendar year.
B. The Report of the Labor Rate Survey must include the following:
1. A list, including the name and address, of all Full Collision Repair Auto Body Facilities to which the labor rate survey was sent.
2. A list of the Full Collision Repair Auto Body Facilities that failed to respond to the questionnaire within the time specified by the insurer.
3. A list of questionnaires that were not taken into consideration by the insurer in its analysis of the survey, including the reason that each such questionnaire was rejected for consideration.
4. Results of the questionnaires considered by the insurer.
5. The total number of shops surveyed for each classification of shops.
6. A description of the formula or manner in which the insurer has calculated or determined the prevailing labor rate which it pays to auto body repair facilities including certification of compliance with R.I. Gen. Laws § 27-29-4.4 and this Part.
7. The separate prevailing labor rate(s) established by the insurer for each classification of full collision licensed auto body repair facilitates.
8. If the calculation or formula indicated in § 10.7(B)(6) of this Part above is not based on the results of the questionnaires identified in § 10.7(B)(4) of this Part above, a complete explanation as to why it is not so based.
C. Insurers should include, in detail, all costs associated with complying with this Regulation.
D. Insurers may choose to report on an Insurance Group basis. If so, one Labor Rate Survey may be filed with the Department for the Insurance Group indicating all of the insurers within that group writing Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance in Rhode Island.
E. The Department will publish the prevailing labor rates within a reasonable time after receipt and compilation of the surveys submitted by insurers.
F. Insurers writing less than one percent (1%) of the total premium volume of Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance during the preceding calendar year shall determine a prevailing labor rate(s) by either conducting an auto body labor rate survey or negotiating the payment of auto body labor rates with each licensed Full Collision Repair Auto Body Facility.

230 R.I. Code R. 230-RICR-20-05-10.7