220 R.I. Code R. 220-RICR-20-00-1.6

Current through December 26, 2024
Section 220-RICR-20-00-1.6 - Designation of a Direct Deposit Account
A. Both State Employees hired after September 30, 2014 and State Employees hired before September 30, 2014 shall use the Direct Deposit Authorization Form required by the Office to designate a Direct Deposit Account.
B. For State Employees hired after September 30, 2014, as part of the hiring process the Direct Deposit Authorization Form shall be submitted to the HR Office. All other Direct Deposit Authorization Forms shall be submitted to the Payroll Office. Such Payroll Office or HR Office shall transmit such Direct Deposit Authorization Form as soon as possible to the Office. For State Employees hired after September 30, 2014, if the Direct Deposit Authorization Form or Waiver Form is not included in the new hire paperwork transmitted to the Office, the State Employee shall not be added to the State Payroll System and the paperwork shall be returned to the HR Office.
C. The State Employee shall designate one Direct Deposit Account. The Office in the future may permit designation of both a primary and secondary Direct Deposit Account whereby the secondary Direct Deposit Account is sent a fixed amount of the Net Salary and the primary Direct Deposit Account is sent the remainder of the Net Salary. If this option becomes available and the State Employee elects this possible option, he/she shall execute a new Direct Deposit Authorization Form.
D. The Direct Deposit Account shall include in its title the State Employee's name. No State employee shall designate as his/her Direct Deposit Account in which the employee is not named as a sole or joint owner of the account, unless the account is set up as a guardianship or custodianship for the benefit of the State Employee.
E. Except for good cause shown, a State Employee is limited to three (3) changes of a Direct Deposit Account per calendar year. Good cause may include a legal order, identity theft issue or any other facts or circumstances applicable solely to that State Employee and after investigation and due consideration in the sole judgment of the Office constitute good cause.
F. Once a Direct Deposit Authorization Form is in effect, it shall remain in effect until it is terminated by one of the following events:
1. A change in the title of the Direct Deposit Account that removes the name of the State Employee from the Direct Deposit Account;
2. The closing of the Direct Deposit Account or a change to the Direct Deposit Account such that a Direct Deposit would not be credited;
3. A Waiver is granted; or,
4. Termination by the Office.
G. Upon the occurrence of § 1.6(F)(1) or § 1.6(F)(2) of this Part, the State Employee shall as soon as possible, but no later than the end of the next full Pay Period, submit a new Direct Deposit Authorization Form or Waiver Form to the Payroll Office. The Payroll Office shall transmit the Direct Deposit Authorization Form or Waiver Form as soon as possible to the Office.
H. The Direct Deposit Account designation shall take effect on the next full Pay Period after the Office receives the Direct Deposit Authorization Form or any amendment thereto and after Prenotification Testing is successfully completed.

220 R.I. Code R. 220-RICR-20-00-1.6