220 R.I. Code R. 220-RICR-20-00-1.4

Current through December 26, 2024
Section 220-RICR-20-00-1.4 - Definitions

"Controller" means the Controller within the Department of Administration appointed by the Director of Administration pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws § 35-6-1(a).

"Direct Deposit" means an electronic funds transfer whereby a State Employee's recurring Net Salary is credited to a Direct Deposit Account.

"Direct Deposit Account" means an account with a Financial Institution the title of which includes the State Employee's name designated by the State Employee to receive Direct Deposits of the State Employee's Net Salary by electronic funds transfer.

"Direct Deposit Authorization Form" means the standard form developed by the Office, as may be amended from time to time, required to be completed by the State Employee to designate or amend his/her Direct Deposit Account.

"Direct Deposit Payroll System" means the electronic funds transfer system for Direct Deposit established by the Office.

"Financial Institution" means any bank, savings bank, savings and loan association, credit union or similar institution located within the United States that is part of the electronic funds transfer network used by the Office to make Direct Deposits.

"HR Office" means the applicable Human Resources Office for the State Agency.

"Net Salary" means the remainder due to a State Employee after any and all mandatory or voluntary deductions have been taken from a State Employee's gross biweekly salary.

"Office" means the Office of Accounts and Control within the Department of Administration.

"Pay Period" means the two week period in accordance with the Payroll Calendar.

"Payroll Calendar" means the yearly Department of Administration, Division of Human Resources' Calendar.

"Payroll Office" means the applicable Payroll Office for the State Agency.

"Prenotification Testing" means when a $0.00 test deposit is sent through the Direct Deposit Payroll System by the Office to the Financial Institution to verify the Direct Deposit Account information entered into the Direct Deposit Payroll System is correct.

"Salary" means payment of salary or wages to a State Employee for: work performed by a State Employee for a State Agency; authorized paid leave; accumulated leave; compensatory time; contractual stipends; allowances; reimbursable use fees; bonuses; and, benefits.

"State Agency" means any department, division, institution, board, bureau, office, commission, council, committee and any other governmental agency of the State that utilizes the State Payroll System operated by the Office including, but not limited to, the University of Rhode Island, Rhode Island College, Community College of Rhode Island, Judiciary and Legislature.

"State Employee" means an employee of a State Agency paid via the State Payroll System, including a person holding an elective office. State Employee for purposes of this Regulation includes temporary employees employed directly by the State, seasonal employees, part-time employees, and paid interns.

"State Payroll System" means the system used by the Office to maintain State Employee payroll data and to calculate Net Salary.

"Waiver" means the authorization by the Office for an exception from the requirements of R.I. Gen. Laws § 35-6-1(e) and this Regulation.

"Waiver Form" means the standard form developed by the Office, as may be amended from time to time, required to be completed by the State Employee to request a Waiver for exception from the requirements of R.I. Gen. Laws § 35-6-1(e) and this Regulation..

220 R.I. Code R. 220-RICR-20-00-1.4