Subchapter 00 - N/A
- Part 1 - Rules and Regulations Governing the Long Term Care Ombudsperson Program (218-RICR-40-00-1) (§§ 218-RICR-40-00-1.1 — 218-RICR-40-00-1.6)
- Part 2 - Rules, Regulations, and Standards Governing the Pharmaceutical Assistance to the Elderly Program (218-RICR-40-00-2) (§§ 218-RICR-40-00-2.1 — 218-RICR-40-00-2.7)
- Part 3 - Rules, Regulations, and Standards Governing Security for Housing for the Elderly (218-RICR-40-00-3) (§§ 218-RICR-40-00-3.1 — 218-RICR-40-00-3.5)
- Part 4 - Rules, Regulations and Standards Governing the Home and Community Care Services to the Elderly Program (218-RICR-40-00-4) (§§ 218-RICR-40-00-4.1 — 218-RICR-40-00-4.6)
- Part 5 - Rules, Regulations, and Standards for Certification of Case Management Agencies (218-RICR-40-00-5) (§§ 218-RICR-40-00-5.1 — 218-RICR-40-00-5.9)
- Part 6 - Rules and Regulations Governing the Prescription Drug Discount Program for the Uninsured (218-RICR-40-00-06) (§ 218-RICR-40-00-6.1)