Current through December 26, 2024
Section 218-RICR-20-00-7.1 - IntroductionA. Title XX of the Social Security Act provides states with the authority to establish a Social Services Block Grant (SSBG). 1. The social services provided by the Department of Human Services through Family and Adult Services and Community Services are among those described in the Block Grant Pre-Expenditure Report published each year.2. The Department of Human Services is designated by the governor as the agency responsible for the administration of SSBG funds in Rhode Island.3. The Department is committed to a goal-oriented social services program which has the capability to avert social and economic dependency and family breakdown through a planned coordinated approach using other agencies as needed either for services provided by them at no cost or purchased from them when the department does not provide them directly.7.1.1GoalsA. Services will be offered to help clients reach one or more of the five federal goals which have been identified by Congress for Title XX: 1. Achieving or maintaining economic self-support to prevent, reduce, or eliminate dependency.2. Achieving or maintaining self-sufficiency, including reduction or prevention of dependency.3. Preventing or remedying neglect, abuse or exploitation of children and adults unable to protect their own interests, or preserving, rehabilitating, or reuniting families.4. Preventing or reducing inappropriate institutional care by providing for community-based care, home-based care, or other forms of less intensive care.5. Securing referral or admission for institutional care when other forms of care are not appropriate or providing services to individuals in institutions. 218 R.I. Code R. 218-RICR-20-00-7.1