216 R.I. Code R. 216-RICR-50-10-2.3

Current through December 26, 2024
2.3.1General Requirements
A. Each food establishment where Time Temperature Control for Safety Food (TCS) is prepared shall employ at least one (1) full-time, on-site manager certified in food safety who is at least eighteen (18) years of age.
B. Each food establishment where TCS is prepared must have a person in charge on-site during food preparation and serving times. The person in charge must demonstrate knowledge by successfully completing a Center approved food safety certification course.
C. Establishments which employ ten (10) or more full-time equivalent employees directly involved in food preparation shall employ at least two (2) full time, on-site managers certified in food safety.
D. Once a manager certified in food safety terminates employment, establishments shall have sixty (60) days to employ a new manager certified in food safety, or have an individual enrolled in a Center approved food safety course. However, said time period may be extended by the Center.
E. Department of Health certificates for managers certified in food safety shall be prominently posted in the establishment next to the license to operate. The certificate shall be removed when the individual is no longer employed by the establishment.
F. No person shall use the title "Manager Certified in Food Safety", or in any way represent themselves as a manager certified in food safety unless they shall hold a current certificate pursuant to these regulations.
2.3.2Qualifications for Certification
A. In order to obtain certification as a manager in food safety an individual must meet the following requirements:
1. be of good moral character;
2. have successfully completed a food safety certification course approved by the Center within three years of application; and
3. have successfully passed a Center approved Food Safety Certification Examination administered under secure conditions.
a. If a person does not pass the certification examination after three (3) attempts, he/she must again successfully complete an approved food safety certification course prior to being admitted to any subsequent examination. All attempts at retaking the examination must be completed within six (6) months of successful completion of the course.
B. Reciprocity
1. The Center will recognize similar course work and/or certificates and develop reciprocity agreements or similar approval agreements with educational institutions, industry, and state or local health departments, provided that:
a. the course work or certificate was completed within three (3) years of applying for Rhode Island certification in food safety, and
b. the standards for certification are essentially equivalent to the requirements of this regulations, and
c. the reciprocal course and/or certificate is approved by the Center in writing.
2. Reciprocity agreements shall be reviewed on an annual basis.
A. Application for certification shall be made on forms provided by the Center. Said forms shall be completed and submitted to the Center for Food Protection. Such application shall be accompanied by the following documents:
1. A recent identification photograph of the applicant, head and shoulder, front view, approximately 2x3 inches in size;
2. An application fee of fifty ($50.00) dollars;
3. Certificate of successful completion of the Food Safety course;
4. Examination results, mailed directly from the Center approved testing company.
A. The manager shall have supervisory, training, and management responsibilities and shall be responsible for food preparation and service with authority and responsibility to direct and control such activities.
B. The manager certified in food safety shall notify the Center in writing within ten (10) days of a change of name, employment or address.
C. The certified food safety manager is responsible for operating the establishment in compliance with all relevant federal and state rules and regulations pertaining to food.
D. The certified food safety manager shall assure that all employees engaged in food preparation do so in a manner consistent with food safety.
E. The certified food safety manager shall develop and implement a written plan for assessing, monitoring, and controlling foodborne disease hazards in the food establishment.
F. The certified manager shall report any illness which appears to be foodborne in nature to the Center within twenty-four (24) hours.
A. Renewal of certification shall occur every three (3) years. Within thirty (30) days prior to expiration of certification, the Center for Food Protection shall mail an application for renewal of certification to each person to whom a certificate has been issued during the current certification period. Every person who intends to continue their certification shall submit a renewal application duly executed together with a renewal fee of fifty dollars ($50.00), made payable to the General Treasurer, State of Rhode Island, and evidence of successful completion of the requirements as set forth in §2.3.5(B) of this Part. Managers of municipal or state food establishments shall be exempt from payment of the renewal fee.
B. In order to renew certification, applicants must present evidence of compliance with renewal requirements, including:
1. Passing a Center approved Food Safety Certification Examination administered under secured conditions within one (1) year prior to the expiration of certification.
C. An individual with a certificate which has been expired for more than six (6) months must complete an approved eight-hour food safety certification course including the examination.
A. Certification of managers in food safety may be suspended or revoked for repeated violations of the rules and regulations of the state of Rhode Island pertaining to Food Establishments or for preventing health department personnel from performing their duty.
B. The individual shall surrender the certificate to the Center when certification has been suspended or revoked.
C. Mandatory retraining may be required for certified managers employed in establishments where there is displayed an inability to maintain safe and sanitary food handling practices as demonstrated by foodborne illnesses, serious repeat violations or other factors increasing the risk to consumers.
D. The certificate holders at that establishment may be required to attend a Center approved training program and repeat all requirements for certification. Under the aforementioned conditions, the Center may also require all employees to attend a Center approved training program.
E. The Director may also take other appropriate action pursuant to the provisions of R.I. Gen. Laws Chapter 23-1.

216 R.I. Code R. 216-RICR-50-10-2.3