Current through December 26, 2024
Section 216-RICR-50-05-1.23 - Appendix 3 - List of Potential Sources of Groundwater ContaminationA. Agricultural related activities (pesticide and fertilizer storage and application, machinery maintenance and fuelingB. Airports-commercial (maintenance and repair, fuel storage)C. Animal care and holding areas (stables, kennels, pet shops)D. Animal enclosures, including domestic petsE. Application of fertilizers or pesticides, including organicF. Aquifer recharge facilitiesG. Asphalt, coal, tar, and concrete companiesH. Automotive repair shopsL. Boat builders and refinishersM. Buildings, including residences, garages, and shedsN. Bus and truck terminalsO. Chemical manufacturersQ. Detention or retention basins or drainage swalesT. Dumpsters or storage of trashU. Food processors (meat packers, dairies, bakeries)V. Fuel oil distributors (product storage, equipment maintenance and storage)W. Funeral homes and cemeteriesX. Furniture strippers, refinishersBB. Industrial manufacturersCC. Junkyard and salvage yardsDD. Land application of sewage sludgeGG. Livestock grazing, stables, barnsII. Manure piles or composting facilitiesJJ. Medical facilities (hospitals, clinics, laboratories)KK. Metal and drum cleaning/reconditioningLL. Military facilities (past and present)QQ. Parking areas, roadways, or driveways (paved or unpaved)RR. Pervious pavement, if contaminant filtering topsoil layers have been replaced with gravelSS. Photographic processorsTT. Pipelines (oil and sewer)UU. Printers and blueprint shopsXX. Repair shops (engines, appliances, etc.)YY. Research laboratoriesZZ. Residential development (lawn care, septic systems)AAA. Restaurants and tavernsBBB. Retail shopping centers, mallsFFF. Sand and gravel mining operationsHHH. Schools, colleges, and trade centersIII. Septic systems, including organicJJJ. Service stations (gas stations)KKK. Sports fields (turf)LLL. Storm water management facilities (leaching systems)MMM. Transmission line rights of wayNNN. Transportation corridors (road deicing, materials transport)OOO. Utility substations/transformersPPP. Waste storage, treatment and recycling (hazardous and non-hazardous)QQQ. Water transfer stations RRR. Wastewater treatment plants (past or present sludge disposal)216 R.I. Code R. 216-RICR-50-05-1.23
Amended effective 9/18/2024