Current through December 26, 2024
Section 216-RICR-40-10-16.13 - Physical Plant16.13.1New Construction, Additions or ModificationsA. All construction, as defined in rules and regulations pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws Chapter 23-15 shall be subject to the following provisions: 1. R.I. Gen. Laws Chapter 23-15.2. Rhode Island Food Code (Part 50-10-1 of this Title).3. R.I. Gen. Laws § 23-1-31.4. R.I. Gen. Laws Chapter 23-28.1.5. R.I. Gen. Laws Chapter 23-27.3.6. Incorporated materials at § 16.2(D) of this Part.7. Facility Guidelines Institute's "Guidelines for Design and Construction of Hospital and Outpatient Facilities" (2014). "8. Incorporated materials at § 16.2(A) of this Part.9. In addition, any other applicable state and local law, codes and regulations shall apply. Where there is a difference between codes, the code having the higher standard shall apply.16.13.2General Provisions - Physical EnvironmentA. Each center shall be constructed, equipped and maintained to protect health and safety of disabled patients, personnel and the public. All equipment and furnishings shall be maintained in good condition, properly functioning and replaced when necessary.B. The entire physical plan, including functional units of the center, service areas, shall be accessible to, and functional for disabled patients, personnel and the public. All necessary accommodations shall be made to meet the needs of persons with mobility disabilities or sight, hearing and coordination or perception disabilities in accordance with "The American Nation Standard-Specifications for Making Buildings and Facilities Accessible to and Usable by the Physically Handicapped (ANSI)", incorporated above in § 16.2(D) of this Part and the Facility Guidelines Institute's "Guidelines for Design and Construction of Hospital and Outpatient Facilities" (2014).C. Blind non-ambulatory, physically handicapped or patients with mobility disabilities which limit self-preservation capability shall not be housed above the street level floor unless the center is equipped with an elevator and meets other requirements of ANSI as incorporated above in in § 16.2(D) of this Part. Furthermore, the center must meet R.I. Gen. Laws §23-28.1.D. All rooms utilized by patients shall have proper ventilation and shall have outside opening with satisfactory screens. Grounds surrounding the center shall be accessible to and usable by patients and shall be maintained in an orderly and well-kept manner.16.13.3Functional Units and Service AreasA. All functional units and service areas of the rehabilitation hospital center shall be based on the guidelines for rehabilitation facilities in the Facility Guidelines Institute's "Guidelines for Design and Construction of Hospital and Outpatient Facilities" (2014) and Standards for Facilities Serving People with Disabilities" incorporated above in § 16.2(A) of this Part. Such functional units and service areas shall include: 1. Nursing unit (for Inpatients);2. Day Patient and Out Patient units;3. Dietary Unit pursuant to §16.11.6 of this Part;4. Psychological/Social or Vocational Services Unit;5. Patients' Dining, Recreation and Day Spaces. a. If a multi-purpose room is used, there must be sufficient space to accommodate dining and patient activities of both inpatient and day patients and present interference with each other;b. Storage shall be provided for recreational equipment and supplies.6. Unit for Teaching Activities of Daily Living: bathing, dressings, going to toilet, continence, feeding and transfer;7. Physical and Occupational Units, Prosthetics and Orthotics; and8. Such other units as may be required in accordance with the aforementioned rules and regulations.16.13.4Special Care Unit A patient room shall be designated for isolation purposes. Such room shall be properly identified with precautionary signs, shall have outside ventilation, private toilet and hand washing facilities.
16.13.5Therapeutic Pools Centers providing therapeutic pool services shall be subject to the applicable rules and regulations of Aquatic Venues (Part 50-05-4 of this Title).
16.13.6Fire and SafetyA. Each center shall meet the requirements of R.I. Gen. Laws Chapter 23-28.1 pertaining to fire and safety.B. A monitoring program for the internal enforcement of all applicable fire and safety laws and regulations shall be established. Such program shall include written procedures for the implementation of policies, regulations and statutes. A log of such monitoring shall be maintained.16.13.7Lighting and Electrical Services/Emergency PowerA. All electrical and other equipment used in the center shall be maintained free of defects which could be a potential hazard to patients or personnel. Periodic calibration and/or preventive maintenance of equipment shall be provided and documentation of all testing shall be maintained.B. All electrical appliances used by centers shall have the Underwriters Laboratories label or be approved by local electrical inspection authorities.C. Each center shall be equipped with an alternate emergency power source. The emergency electrical power system shall have a sufficient capacity to supply power to maintain the operation of any life-support systems, lighting egress, fire detection equipment, alarm and extinguishing system.1. Monthly testing of emergency power shall be documented and reports retained for at least three (3) years.16.13.8IncineratorsA. Incinerators within hospitals shall be segregated from other parts of the building by non-combustible construction, with walls, floors and ceilings having a fire resistance rating of not less than two hours. Openings to such rooms shall be protected by Class B fire doors, and equipped with positive self-closing devices in accordance with R.I. Gen Laws Chapter 23-28.1.B. Incinerators within the center shall meet the Department of Environmental Management's "Air Pollution Control Regulation No. 12 - Incinerators". 16.13.9PlumbingA. All plumbing material and plumbing systems or parts thereof installed shall meet the minimum requirements of R.I. Gen. Laws Chapter 23-27.3. The local codes will supersede the aforementioned only if they are more stringent.B. All plumbing shall be installed in such a manner as to prevent back siphonage or cross connections between potable and non-potable water supplies.C. Fixtures from which grease is discharged shall be served by a line in which a grease trap is installed. The grease trap shall be cleaned sufficiently often to sustain efficient operation.16.13.10Waste Water DisposalAny new center shall be connected to a public sanitary sewer.
16.13.11Waste DisposalA. Medical Waste. Medical waste as defined in the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management's Medical Waste Regulations (250-RICR- 140-15-1) shall be managed in accordance with the provisions of the aforementioned regulations. 1. Such hazardous waste materials shall be placed in watertight and durable containers in accordance with acceptable practices for transportation.B. Other Waste. Wastes which are not classified as medical waste, hazardous wastes or which are not otherwise regulated by law or rule may be disposed in dumpsters or load packers provided the following precautions are maintained: 1. The recommendations of the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission, subchapter B-Consumer Product Safety Commission Regulations, should serve as guidelines in establishing protective measures against hazardous dumpsters and load packers.2. Dumpsters shall be tightly covered, leak proof, inaccessible to rodents and animals, and placed on concrete slabs preferably graded to a drain. Water supply shall be available within easy accessibility for washing down of the area. In addition, the pick-up schedule shall be maintained with more frequent pick-ups when required. The dumping site of waste materials must be in sanitary landfills approved by the Department of Environmental Management.3. Load packers must conform to the same restrictions required from dumpsters and in addition, load packers shall be: high enough off the ground to facilitate the cleaning of the underneath area of the stationary equipment; and the loading section should be constructed and maintained to prevent rubbish from blowing from said area site.16.13.12Water SupplyA. Water for consumption shall be obtained from a community water system defined in rules and regulations pertaining to Public Drinking Water (Part 50-05-1 of this Title) approved by the Department of Health.B. The water shall be distributed to conveniently located taps and fixtures throughout the buildings and shall be adequate in volume and pressure for all center purposes, including firefighting.216 R.I. Code R. 216-RICR-40-10-16.13