210 R.I. Code R. 210-RICR-50-00-5.4

Current through December 26, 2024
Section 210-RICR-50-00-5.4 - Assessments for Needs-Based Level of Care Determinations
A. The scope of services accessible to a beneficiary varies in accordance with a person's needs, including his or her goals and preferences, the range of services and supports available under the State's Medicaid State Plan and Section 1115 demonstration waiver, as well as federal and State regulations, rules or laws. The range of available authorized service options varies with each type of health institution (NF, ICF/I-DD, LTH), as the populations they serve have a range of service and support needs that also vary. As indicated in the following sections, the service options available to a person who meets the functional/clinical eligibility requirements for LTSS associated with one of these institutions is tied to the scope of his or her service needs at the time of application and in subsequent reassessments of need.
B. The functional/clinical eligibility determination process uses needs-based criteria drawn from a variety of sources. The process is initiated when the information necessary to evaluate an applicant's current health status and functional service needs become available to the State through one or more of the following sources:
1. Health care practitioner evaluation --The application includes a clinical evaluation form that must be completed by a treating, licensed health care practitioner with first-hand knowledge about the health status and functional needs of an applicant. The signed and completed form, and any required associated documentation, provide the baseline for determining an applicant's needs level.
2. Health records and documentation -- Applicants must provide the State with the authorization to obtain health records and other forms of clinical documentation from health care providers and practitioners who have or are providing care to the applicant.
3. Health institution care/service plans -- Agency representatives from across the EOHHS agencies obtain information from health providers who assess and/or develop care/service plans for applicants who have or are receiving services or are about to be discharged.
4. HCBS functional assessment -- The State requires in-depth functional assessments of applicants seeking home and community-based services to ensure they can obtain the appropriate services safely and effectively in the setting of choice. The results of the assessments also assist in care planning and guide the authorization of services. As the State pursues a "no wrong door" approach, these assessments may be conducted by agency representative working for the State or various community entities using assessment tools that, although sometimes variable, focus on the same set of functional abilities and limitations.
a. NF level of care- HCBS. Responsibilities for HCBS functional assessments are shared across the EOHHS agencies.
b. ICF/I-DD level of care -HCBS -- Agency representatives in the Department of Behavioral Healthcare, Developmental Disabilities and Hospitals (BHDDH) conduct assessments of all applicants seeking the ICF/I-DD level of care without regard to setting.
c. LT Hospital level of care -HCBS. The EOHHS agency representative that determine the NF level of care assess applicants for the HCBS Habilitation Program that serves people with severe disabilities that occur in adulthood. BHDDH agency representatives conduct assessments of persons with serious and persistent behavioral health needs seeking Medicaid LTSS in a community-based congregate setting.

210 R.I. Code R. 210-RICR-50-00-5.4