210 R.I. Code R. 210-RICR-40-00-3.8

Current through December 26, 2024
Section 210-RICR-40-00-3.8 - Federally Mandated Exclusions
A. The following is a list of federally mandated exclusions based on whether or not they are identifiable:

Federally Mandated Resource Exclusions

Identifiable and Excluded Indefinitely (unless otherwise indicated)

Agent Orange Settlement Fund payments

Blood Product Settlement payments

Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) payments. Payments to volunteers, including the following payments authorized under the Domestic Volunteer Services Act, Pub. Law 93-113, are excluded:


Urban Crime Prevention Program

Special Volunteer Programs under Title I

Demonstration Programs under Title II

Senior Corp:

Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP)

Foster Grandparent Program

Senior Companions

Individual Development Accounts (IDA)

Japanese and Aleutian Restitution payments

Jensen Settlement Agreement payments. Payments received by class members are excluded. Funds received under this agreement from countable resources at the time of application and at each renewal are deducted.

Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) payments

Nazi Persecution payments

Radiation Exposure Compensation Trust Fund (RECTF) payments

Real estate taxes, homeowner's insurance and funds set aside for upkeep expenses of the property. Up to one (1) year's expenses are excluded. Funds must be kept in a separate account.

Relocation Assistance payments, Federal

Ricky Ray Hemophilia Relief Fund payments

Student financial aid received under Title IV of the Higher Education Act (HEA) Pub. Law 89-329, or Student financial aid received from the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA)

Non-Title IV and non-BIA grants, scholarships, fellowships and other non-loan financial aid, if used or set aside to pay educational expenses until the month following the last month the student is enrolled in classes

Distributions from a Coverdell Educational Savings Accounts (ESA) if the funds are used for educational expenses

Excluded for the designated beneficiary of the account for nine (9) months following the month of receipt of a distribution

Excluded for anyone who is not a beneficiary who contributes money to the account beginning the month after the month the funds are transferred into the account

Excluded, due to being a conversion of a resource, for a contributor who is the designated beneficiary beginning with the month after the month the cash is transferred into the account

Veteran's Affairs (VA) benefits designated as educational assistance both undergraduate and graduate students until the month following the last month the student is enrolled in classes

Plan to Achieve Self Support (PASS) student financial aid

Training expenses paid by the Trade Act of 1974, Pub. Law 93-618

Qualified Tuition Programs (QTP), also known as a 529 Plans, for the designated beneficiary (the student or future student) who is not the owner of the account and does not have any rights to the funds in the account

Tribal payments and interests. The following tribal resources are excluded:

Tribal trust or restricted lands, individual interest

Tribal per capita payments from a tribal trust

Tribal land settlements and judgments

Uniform Gift to Minors Act/Uniform Transfers to Minors Act, Pub. Law 107-210, (UGMA/UTMA)

The full value of resources established under the UGMA/UTMA is excluded.

An adult designated to receive, maintain and manage custodial property on behalf of a minor beneficiary is not the owner of UGMA/UTMA resources because the adult cannot legally use any of the funds for their support and maintenance.

When the UGMA/UTMA property is transferred to a beneficiary at the end of the custodianship (usually at the age of eighteen (18) or twenty-one (21) depending on State law) the property becomes available to the beneficiary. It is counted as income in the month of transfer and as a resource in the following month.

Veterans' Children with Certain Birth Defects payments

Vietnamese Commando Compensation Act, Pub. Law 104-210, payments

Excluded Resources Regardless of Identifiability (unless otherwise noted)

Adoption Assistance payments are excluded in the month of receipt and thereafter.

Accrued Interest on resources is excluded if any excess is properly reduced at eligibility redetermination.

Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (43 U.S.C. §§ 1601 - 1624) (ANCSA) payments

Appeal Payments are excluded as resources in the month received and for three (3) months after the month of receipt.

Clinical trial participation payments excluded by SSI. The first two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) a person receives during a calendar year is excluded.

Cobell Settlement for American Indians for a period of twelve (12) months beginning with the month of receipt. This exclusion applies to all household members.

Crime victim payments

Disaster assistance, Federal payments

Disaster assistance, State payments

Filipino Veterans Equity Compensation (FVEC) payments

Foster Care payments

Gifts to Children with Life Threatening Conditions from 501(c)(3) tax-exempt corporation. These are not considered resources of a parent and apply only to children who are under age eighteen (18).

Cash gifts up to two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) in any calendar year are excluded. The amount of total cash payments that exceed two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) each year are counted as a resource.

Multiple cash gifts in the same calendar year are added together and up to two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) of the total is excluded, even if none of the cash gifts exceeds two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) individually.

Homestead real property

Household goods and personal effects

James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010, Pub. Law 111-347

Kinship payments

Proceeds from the sale of a homestead are excluded if a person:

Plans to use the proceeds to buy another homestead, and

Does so within three (3) full calendar months of receiving the funds

Reimbursements for replacement of lost, damaged or stolen excluded resources are excluded for the month of receipt and nine (9) months thereafter. The funds are excluded for up to nine (9) more months if the person tries to replace the resources during that time but cannot do so for good reason.

Representative Payee Misuse payments. If a person's Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Retirement, Survivors and Disability Insurance (RSDI) benefits, or Veterans Benefits for the Elderly are reissued because an individual representative payee misuses benefits, the reissuance is excluded as a resource for nine (9) months if retained after the month of receipt.

Retroactive RSDI and SSI benefits are excluded for the nine (9) calendar months following the month in which the person receives the benefits. Any accrued interest on that account is counted as income in the month received and as a resource in the following months.

State Annuities for Certain Veterans

Relocation payments, State and local

Tax credits, rebates, and refunds are excluded for twelve (12) months after the month of receipt

Term life insurance

210 R.I. Code R. 210-RICR-40-00-3.8

Adopted effective 5/20/2024